Protestant Orphans Home

The grandiose nature of the Protestant Orphan’s Home is exemplified in this early 1900’s photo.
The cornerstone laying ceremony was held on June 24, 1893 and was open to the public. The ceremony introduced the Officers for the Orphan’s Home in 1893, including those in the Committee of Management, and the Ladies Committee. The home was entrusted to three officers, that would look after the finances and legalities of running the home, the officers of the Home for 1893 were; E.H. Worlock, Esq. President, Chas. Hayward, Esq. Hon. Secretary, and Jas. Hutchenson, Esq. Hon. Treasurer.The Protestant Orphan’s Home is the oldest non-profit organization in British Columbia, the impact that the creation of the home had on the countless children of Victoria is evident in the reunions that are held to this day. Continuing with the legacy of charity and community building started by the Cridges more that 100 years ago, the home now offers support to struggling families in economic crisis.
About the Ceremony
About the Cornerstone
About the Cridges
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