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Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins completed her BA in linguistics at the University of British Columbia, and her MA at the University of Toronto before undertaking doctoral studies at MIT. She worked at UBC before coming to the University of Victoria in 1993.

     Ewa has published theoretical work on Polish phonology and maintains an interest in the phonology of Slavic languages. Her primary language research, however, involves Salish languages of the west coast of North America. With the late M. Dale Kinkade, she co-edited the first book devoted solely to the study of Salish languages, Salish Languages and Linguistics (1998). She has also written on the phonology, morphology and syntax of Salish languages, focusing on Nxa’amxcin and North Straits, and is currently engaged in a long-term project to create a web-accessible Nxa’amxcin dictionary and database. After 2000, Ewa’s theoretical interests in Salish evolved into a commitment to collaborative, community-based work in language and language revitalization. With UVIC colleagues, members of the SENCOTEN and Hul’q’umi’num’ Vancouver Island Coast Salish communities, and First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Council she participated in a SSHRC CURA Grant (website) whose focus was language revitalization. In addition to being one of the initiators of the CURA partnership, Ewa served as Principal Investigator and Director of the grant (2002-2004, 2007-2009). Her community-engaged work has included projects on ethical issues in linguistic fieldwork, on Community-Based Language Research methodology in linguistics, on policies and practices in evaluating community-engaged scholarship, and on language revitalization. Since 2003 she has been active in supporting the development and delivery of the Certificate in Aboriginal Language Revitalization and the Indigenous Language Revitalization programs at UVIC.

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