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The Department maintains a variety of local resources that may assist you in your studies:

Facilities and Labs:

Students can access the facilities available during department hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)


All students can access equipment available during department hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Some equipment can be borrowed for longer periods through our equipment sign-out system.

Linguistics Grad Resource Room (D338)

The Resource Room is available to Linguistics Grad Students and Faculty. Located in Clearihue D338, this room contains a number of hard-to-find publications of books and journals. There is also a computer workstation available to look up publications and for general research use.

Praat/E-prime Scripts

downsample.praat Downsamples a folder of Wavefiles to 22K.
draw-waveform-sgram-f0.praat Draws waveform, spectrogram, F0 curve and TextGrid.
get-formant.praat Extracts formant (F1, F2) values from Formant files.
GetVowelFormants_script.praat Measure vowel formant at onset and 1/2 way through a vowel.
get-values-tones.praat Extracts time points, f0 values and durations : to text file.
label-tones.praat Creates a TextGrid file with a number of tiers.
MeasurementScript_inEditor.praat Measures and extracts time points and F0 values.
NSP2WAV.praat Changes a folder of NSP files to WAV.
openwaveandcreatetextgrid.praat Opens a folder of WAVfiles and creates a Textgrid for each.
openandsaveorcreattextandwav.praat Opens a folder of WAVfiles with existing Textgrids (or creates a Textgrid if none exists for a given WAVfile.)
OpenExistingWavsandTextgrids.praat Opens pairs of Waves and Textgrids in a folder.
QV_tokeninfo.praat Takes duration and formant measurements (multiple tiers) for a given WAV/TEXTGRID pair.
textgrid-creator.praat Given a plain text file containing sentences by the line, the script tokenizes each sentence based on the word-boundary symbol.
ToManipulation_PRE_script.praat Creates a dip in the pre-glottalized resonants.

Link to more E-prime scripts: http://step.psy.cmu.edu/

Link to E-prime tutorial: here


Online Phonetics Lab

Note : Due to copyright agreements these resources are at this time only available to students, faculty and staff of UVic. You will require your UVic NetLinkID and password to access any of the following items:

Multimedia IPA chart
Voice-Quality matrix


Charts of the International Phonetic Association
Lab Manual for Phonetics Courses such as Ling 380. ( Note: If you have
any questions/comments/suggestions on the lab manual, please email
Sonya Bird – sbird@uvic.ca)

UltraCap Version 1.2 (Windows) for highspeed video capture

Yati Dictionary for iOS (iPad and iPhone).

iSLR Field Recorder (iPad and iPhone).

iPA Phonetics (iPad and iPhone).

Research Papers

Creaky Voice in a Pre-Babbling Infant.

Essential Links

libguides.uvic.ca/ling (a guide to materials availble through the UVic library)

http://web.uvic.ca/~wplc/ (working papers of the UVic Linguistics Circle)

www.linguistlist.org (home to many linguistic links and mailing lists)

www.artificialvision.com/javoice.htm (interactive visual sound synthesis)

www.languagegeek.com (good source for specialized fonts and font information)

www.sil.org (SIL International ; Summer Institute of Linguistics - language preservation, fonts, etc.)