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iPA Phonetics Version 1.0

The symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet illustrate the basic inventory of sounds of the world's languages. Consonant and vowel sounds are presented with audio and laryngoscopic video in elaborated matrices based on the chart of the International Phonetic Association. Laryngeal ultrasound videos in three different orientations accompany sounds articulated in the throat. Sounds/videos can be played back at variable speeds, with or without a control bar. Vowel sounds include long and short versions, pairs and articulatory continua. A game component presents sounds at random to test visual and auditory recognition, with possible success up to ten levels. A labelled inventory of auditorily contrastive voice qualities is mapped onto a detailed vocal tract model.

Download to your iPhone, iPod, or iPad for FREE !

iPA Phonetics for iOS is so easy to use: zoom, pinch, press and swipe! Just ask 28 month old beta tester Jamison!

Click here to preview and download the iPA Phonetics APP Version 1.0 for iPhone, iPod, and iPad from the Apple iTunes APP store. It's FREE !

This APP provides a unique and intuitive touch interface for exploring the International Phonetic Alphabet as well as numerous voice qualities and articulations. Simply press any symbol or label in the charts to see and hear an illustrative example. Test your knowledge by playing the random guessing games. Amazing laryngoscopic and ultrasound videos accompany sounds articulated in the throat! You can speed up and slow down all the video examples, view full-screen, and more. Press the INFO button on each screen to access additional information.

To contact support, inquiries, or suggestions,: Email coey@uvic.ca

Credits and Acknowledgements

• Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria
• Speech Research Lab, University of Victoria
• Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
• John Esling, President, International Phonetic Association, University of Victoria
• Scott Moisik, University of Victoria
• Programming, production and design: Christopher Coey, University of Victoria

All programming © 2014 University of Victoria, Victoria B.C.

How to cite: Christopher Coey, John H. Esling, Scott R. Moisik. 2014., University of Victoria,
iPA Phonetics, Version 1.0 [2014]. Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria.

Essential Links

The elaborated IPA chart is from chapter 18 of the Handbook of Phonetic Sciences (2nd ed.):

John H. Esling, 'Phonetic Notation':

Official IPA and ExtIPA charts may be found in the Handbook of the International Phonetic Association:

The 2005 IPA chart is available from the IPA web site:

Illustrations of the use of the IPA to describe the phonetics of various languages may be found in the
Journal of the International Phonetic Association:

Information on voice quality appears in:
and http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1271