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The Artist

Born in 1967, Coast Salish artist Joe Wilson is a member of the Cowichan Band near Duncan, B.C. He is basically self-taught, although he has worked under the guidance of Tim Paul, Simon Charlie and Jim Gilbert. He has studied Salish art extensively through literature & museum collections. Joe is actively involved in the winter dance ceremonies of his people. He currently resides on the Tsartlip reserve near Victoria where he continues to paint & carve cedar.

The Art

Mr. Wilson kindly consented to our use of his piece, called "Salish Welcoming" as a frontispiece for our website. It is described as a stencil of two thunderbirds on either side of a central female figure with hands raised. It was executed in pen and ink in black, red and blue on a white background. Mr. Wilson created "Salish Welcoming in 1995". It is now part of the Maltwood permanent collection (accession number: U998.7.53)