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Welcome to the Applied Linguistics Program !

The following information can be found through the various links on this page:

Information: Who are we and what do we offer? A general introduction to Applied Linguistics, these links provide useful information on the programmes offered through the department, our faculty, and future careers.

Community: What is happening in and around the University of Victoria? A resource for students and community members to find out about our seminars, a calendar of school and community events, a catalog of ESL Learning Institutions in Victoria, and a lesson-exchange page for current and prospective language teachers.

Practicum and Observations: How can I become involved? This link contains information for current and prospective Practicum Sponsor Teachers, Practicum Supervising Instructors, and Classroom Observation Instructors.

Student Information: What is my role as a student? This link provides information for students who are currently in any upper-level linguistics courses, or who are considering taking them in the following school year.


Dr. Hossein Nassaji
Telephone: (250) 721-7432 E-mail: nassaji@uvic.ca

Nicholas Travers, Applied Linguistics Academic Assistant
Email: alassist@uvic.ca