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The core of all the B.A. and Diploma programs in Applied Linguistics includes Linguistics 200, 203, 373, 374, 375, 376 and 388, which provide students with both theoretical background in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics including the process of second language acquisition and practical experience in applications of language teaching strategies. Through a variety of other courses in Linguistics and other university departments, students of Applied Linguistics are familiarized with the pragmatics of grammar, phonetics, classroom practice, stylistics, and research evaluation.

The programs include a supervised classroom practicum as well as opportunities to observe a variety of language classes and instructors in action. Emphasis is placed on creative, innovative language instruction techniques based on sound theoretical and pedagogical principles as well as on sharing of insights and a thorough understanding of the human capacity for language acquisition.

For more information on individual programs, including required courses, please click on one of the following:

Applied Linguistics Diploma Program

Applied Linguistics Bachelor of Arts Program

Applied Linguistics Masters of Arts Program