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As research into the understanding and use of language is a major goal of all linguists, Applied Linguistics is an important strand of teaching and learning in our Linguistics Department.

We offer a diverse and thorough set of programs combining theory, training, and practice, which a former Vice President of TESOL, the North American professional organization of English Language teachers, acclaims as being among the best in Canada.

Completion of one of the UVic programs in Applied Linguistics is recognized by Canada TESL as sufficie

nt for the Level Two English Language Teaching Certificate.

Careers – Click on this link to find out what career opportunities are available for people with degrees and diplomas in Applied Linguistics.

Faculty – Click on this link to learn more about the faculty in the department of Linguistics

Programs – Undergraduates in the Linguistics Department can work towards a B.A. in Applied Linguistics. Those who already hold a first degree in areas other than Applied Linguistics can also register for the Diploma in Applied Linguistics.

In addition, it is possible to earn an M.A. or Ph.D. in this specialization. Click on this link to learn about the Applied Linguistics Diploma Program, Bachelor of Arts Program, and Masters of Arts Program. This page includes general information on each program and information regarding course requirements and prerequisites.
