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COPYRIGHT NOTICE- International Phonetic Association.

These audio files are licensed to the IPA by their authors and accompany the phonetic descriptions published in the Handbook of the IPA or in the Journal of the IPA. The audio files may be downloaded for personal use but may not be incorporated in another product without permission. FULL COPYRIGHT NOTICE

Languages available for download



NOTE: audio files have been compressed using zip technology and need to be "unzipped" before use. To do this you will need specialised software such as WinZip (Windows) or DropZip (Mac). You will also need need the Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files. All of this software is free to download.

The IPAKiel font used in these charts is from LaserIPA® by Linguist's Software.
(Mention '20%-off IPA referral' in the Special Instructions window of the
Order Form to get a 20% discount at www.linguistsoftware.com/li.htm)