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UVic Co-op and Career provides a variety of services to support your career development, including:

  1. personal career guidance

  2. career development programs and workshops

  3. on-campus employer information sessions

  4. online work search resources, including competency development and assessment

See the program-specific competencies for Linguistics PDF.

A co-op program can be helpful in gaining relevant work experience and competencies as well as helping to fund your undergraduate studies. Second-year, third-year, and fourth-year students in a Linguistics Bachelor’s degree program are eligible for the Humanities, Fine Arts and Professional Writing (HFPW) Co-op, where terms of academic studies alternate with paid co-op terms working for government, theatres, galleries, libraries, arts groups, newspapers, publishers, private firms and more.

Full-time students in the Linguistics BA, Applied Linguistics BA, and Linguistics BSc programs can apply for HFPW Co-op after completing at least one year of studies (12.0 units). Students must have and maintain at least a B+ average in order to be eligible for the program. For more information, see the HFPW Co-op webpage.