group stuff

credit: K. Dubicki

Group Meetings
Most group meetings are dedicated to research presentations. When literature talks are scheduled, each presenter chooses two papers and presents three slides on each: Motivations, Data, Conclusions. Check the schedule for your literature talk and research talk time slots.


- Notebook example
- Scan your notebooks at the end of each month and email the pdf files to me for archiving.

Writing, presentations, and computer tutorials
- Guidelines for progress reports, required periodically, including a sample experimental procedure.
- A universal guide to writing research proposals.
- A powerpoint template for making slides in the right format (tip: save all Chemdraws as TIFF files before importing into Powerpoint).
- MOLOC help pages plus our own MOLOC tutorial on structure-based design (you'll also need this structure file to start the tutorial).

Other links
- ChemBL database of drug-like bioactive small molecules
- National Human Genome Research Institute (at NIH)
- NIH common fund home for protein capture reagents
- Online MSDS database
- A primer on molecular modeling and basis sets
- Spectral database (SDBS)
- Pharmacological properties predictor (Actelion property explorer; Molsoft)
- NCI's developmental therapeutics program (and enhanced structure explorer)
- A tutorial for making molecular graphics and animations using PyMol - courtesy Melanie Pitt, University of Oregon.
- A primer on Histone post-translational modifications
- Peptide molecular weight calculator