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Canadian Forces


Canadian Forces · Camp Julien is the Canadian Forces Base in Kabul where our contact is posted. The objective of Operation ATHENA, Canada’s contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), is to take part in the United Nations (UN)-authorized mission in Kabul, Afghanistan, for a period of 12 months starting in August 2003.

Task Force Kabul is the formation that comprises all Canadian Forces (CF) units and formations committed to Op ATHENA. · The mission of ISAF is to help maintain security in Kabul and the surrounding areas so that the Afghan Transitional Authority and UN agencies can function. It also includes liaison with political, social and religious leaders to ensure that ISAF operations appropriately respect religious, ethnic and cultural sensitivities in Afghanistan.

At this time, ISAF comprises approximately 5,000 troops from more than 30 nations. Its current commander is Lieutenant-General Gotz Gliemeroth of Germany. The Canadian contribution to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is known as Operation ATHENA. With about 1,900 personnel deploying in each rotation, the Canadian contingent is the largest in ISAF. Canadian soldiers conduct regular patrol missions in the Canadian area of responsibility.

In addition, they are involved in a number of projects, such as digging wells and repairing buildings, to help improve the quality of life of the people in their area. Of the 1,900 troops deployed on Operation ATHENA, about 1,700 are deployed in Kabul; the remainder are deployed elsewhere in southwest Asia in support of the mission.

17 Wing, Winnipeg was the original point of contact for organizing transportation to Trenton · Major Steve Whelan is using his resources for art supplies and is working with the conference committee to have new supplies delivered from Canada that are being donated by local business. · Treton is the Canadian Forces Base in Ontario that will receive the artworks from Afghanistan. Iraq·

Complied by Geoff Grosson and Dr Tim Hopper