Spring 2025
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Wednesdays 9:30-10:20 in Elliott 230.
* means literature review for that person; paper should be circulated to the group by the preceding Friday.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
15 |
Welcome back, duties update and new group member intros (Mackenzie/Peter/Spencer/Hannah/Waylon) |
22 |
Charlie & Jack |
29 |
Bragi & Charlie* |
February |
5 |
Peter & Bobby |
12 |
Mackenzie & Ian* |
19 |
Leader: Peter | Update: Jack | Research spotlight: Spencer |
26 |
Leader: Ian | Update: Bragi | Technique spotlight: Peter |
March |
5 |
Leader: Peter | Update: Charlie | Technique spotlight: Ian |
12 |
Leader: Charlie | Everyone brings a problem week |
19 |
Leader: Peter | Update: Bobby | Technique spotlight: Charlie |
26 |
Leader: Peter | Update: Peter | Research spotlight: Harrison |
April |
2 |
Harrison & Spencer & Hannah & Isaac & Sydney & Neal & Waylon |
9 |
Ian (thesis defense preparation) |
16 |
tba |
23 |
tba |
30 |
tba |
Fall 2024
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Fridays 9:25-10:25 in Elliott 228.
* means literature review for that person; paper should be circulated to the group by the preceding Friday.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
9 |
Welcome back and new group member intros (Bragi/Harrison/Jessica) |
20 |
Bobby & Ian* (plus intros from Isaac/Sarah) |
27 |
Charlie & Scott (tba) |
October |
4 |
Nick & Jack* |
11 |
Undergraduate project outline day (Antonia/Neal/Sydney/Sarah/Harrison/Isaac) |
18 |
Ian & Jessica + group photo |
25 |
Jack & Nick* (on Zoom, check email for link) |
1 |
Bragi & Bobby* |
November |
8 |
Nick (GSRD practice) |
15 |
No meeting (Scott away, GSRD week) |
22 |
Undergraduate project wrap-up day (Antonia/Neal/Sydney/Sarah/Harrison/Isaac) |
29 |
Bobby & Scott (solid-state chemistry) |
December |
6 |
No meeting |
13 |
Jessica & Jack* |
20 |
No meeting |
Spring & Summer 2024
Group meetings for the Spring & Summer will be held every week, Tuesdays 10:30-11:30. Spring: Elliott 228. Summer: Elliott 230. * means literature review; paper should be circulated to the group by the preceding Friday.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
9 |
Lab clean up, maintenance duties assignment |
16 |
Charlie |
23 |
Nick & Jesse |
30 |
Jack |
February |
6 |
Literature survey: Gessner |
13 |
Nadini & Sydney: NOTE AT 1130, same location |
20 |
Charlie & Maxine |
27 |
Literature survey: Campeau |
March |
5 |
Literature survey: Blackmond 1 (Charlie & Nick) |
12 |
Literature survey: Blackmond 2 (Nadini & Jack) |
19 |
Nadini (Elliott 305) |
26 |
Nick & Jesse |
April |
2 |
Jack & Sydney |
9 |
Charlie |
16 |
Lab cleanup |
23 |
Nick & Jesse |
30 |
Scott |
May |
7 |
Nadini |
14 |
Jack & Marcus (MMM module presentation) NOTE: 11 am START |
21 |
Introduction to new group members |
28 |
Scott ("How to get a job" and "Cold open emails")* (Note: Charlie to practice his CSC talk afternoon of May 30) |
June |
4 |
Ian* |
11 |
Bobby & Nadini* |
18 |
Charlie & Jack* |
25 |
Undergraduate day: Jesse, Maxine, Anya, Antonia, Neal, Minh-Vy |
July |
2 |
Nick & Scott (tba)* |
9 |
Ian & Charlie* |
16 |
Jack & Nick* |
23 |
Maxine, Anya (10 min each) & Antonia, Neal and Minh-Vy (5 min each) |
30 |
Jesse (499 defense practice) & Bobby* |
August |
6 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
13 |
No meeting (Nadini MSc defense 9-11) |
20 |
Nadini (GSRD) & Scott (Lanthanides)* |
27 |
No meeting |
Fall 2023
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Tuesdays 11-12 in Elliott 230.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
12 |
Nick |
19 |
Jack |
26 |
Ian |
October |
3 |
Nadini |
10 |
Peter & Jesse |
17 |
Charlie & Emily |
24 |
Nick & Shadi |
31 |
Jack |
November |
7 |
Ian |
16 @11:30 |
Emily 499 defence practice |
21 |
No meeting |
28 |
No meeting |
December |
5 |
Nadini & Peter |
12 |
Charlie |
Summer 2023
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am in Elliott 230.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
2 |
Laurel Schafer DWS visit |
9 |
Nadini and Charlie |
16 |
Jack CSC practice |
23 |
Ian CSC practice |
30 |
Peter CSC practice (NOTE: IN ECS130) |
June |
6 |
CSC Vancouver |
13 |
CSC debrief |
20 |
Sofia defence practice |
27 |
Nadini |
July |
4 |
Charlie and Emily |
11 |
Jack |
18 |
Ian & Gwyneth |
25 |
Peter |
August |
1 |
8 |
Nadini |
15 |
Charlie & Emily |
22 |
Peter and Eber |
Spring 2023
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am in Elliott 228 (except Jan 17, Elliott 230)
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
10 |
Lab meeting/clean-up |
17 |
Peter |
24 |
Jack |
31 |
Sofia |
February |
7 |
Ian |
14 |
Lab meeting/clean-up |
21 |
GSRD prep |
28 |
Brief plans from everyone |
March |
7 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
14 |
tba |
21 |
tba |
28 |
tba |
April |
4 |
tba |
11 |
tba |
18 |
Brief review from everyone |
25 |
Summer planning |
Fall 2022
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm in Elliott 305 (or Zoom).
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
5 |
No meeting (Labour Day) |
12 |
9-9:30 am Zoom meeting for start of term admin |
19 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
26 |
Nadini |
October |
3 |
Peter |
10 |
Thanksgiving (no meeting) |
17 |
8:30 - 9:30 am Zoom meeting, Tiago and Ian |
24 |
No meeting (hosting Rhonda and Suma) |
31 |
Sofia (509 practice) |
November |
7 |
Tanner (defense practice) |
14 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
21 |
Charlie |
28 |
Time management |
December |
5 |
Term roundup |
12 |
Ian and Nadini |
19 |
No meeting |
Summer 2022
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Tuesdays 9 am in Elliott 226 (or Zoom).
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
3 |
Welcome to new group members, assignment of duties, training |
10 |
Charlie (candidacy practice) |
17 |
Wil & Tiago & Denaisha & Reid & Francisco |
24 |
Peter and Sofia (CCCE practice) |
31 |
Ian and Charlie (CCCE practice) |
June |
7 |
No meeting |
14 |
21 |
CCCE & WCUCC debrief |
28 |
Lab cleanup |
July |
5 |
Wil |
12 |
Shabd (zoom) & Nadini & Wil |
19 |
Peter & Francisco & Denaisha |
26 |
Tanner & Tiago (defense practice for Tanner) |
August |
2 |
Charlie |
9 |
No meeting |
16 |
No meeting |
23 |
No meeting |
Spring 2022
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Tuesdays 9 am in Elliott 305 (or Zoom).
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
6 |
Administration |
11 |
Charlie |
18 |
Ian & Maryam & David & Nimrod & Jaspreet & Emily (quick intros from UGs) |
25 |
No meeting (Scott unavailable) |
February |
1 |
Sara (everyone joining via Zoom) |
8 |
Sofia & Peter |
15 |
Tanner (prep for GSRD) |
22 |
Charlie & Tiago |
March |
1 |
Ian & Maryam & Nimrod |
8 |
Tanner & David |
15 |
No meeting |
22 |
Sara (everyone joining via Zoom) |
29 |
Charlie & Jaspreet & Emily |
April |
5 |
Peter |
12 |
Wil & Maryam & Nimrod |
19 |
Ian |
26 |
Tanner & David & Tiago |
Fall 2021
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, Thursdays 9 am in Elliott 230 (or Zoom).
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
9 |
No meeting |
16 |
Welcome back meeting, general discussion |
23 |
James Race (from the Weller Group, York, UK) |
30 |
Sara (everyone joining via Zoom) |
October |
7 |
Emily & Jaspreet |
14 |
Tanner |
21 |
Charlie |
28 |
Gilian (practice presentation for PhD defense) |
November |
4 |
Ian & Nimrod |
11 |
No meeting (Remembrance Day) |
18 |
Sara (note: 0830 start, everyone on Zoom) |
25 |
Tanner and Sofia (note: 1000 start) |
December |
2 |
Dr Anuj Joshi |
9 |
Emily & Jaspreet |
16 |
Fire drill |
Summer 2021
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, Thursdays 9 am in Elliott 226/228 (or Zoom).
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
6 |
Ian |
13 |
Charlie |
20 |
Gilian |
27 |
Tanner |
June |
3 |
Sofia and Serena |
10 |
Sara |
17 |
Ian |
24 |
Charlie |
July |
1 |
No meeting (Canada Day) |
8 |
Tanner and Gilian |
15 |
Sofia (CCCE practice) and Serena |
20 |
Gilian, Ian (CCCE practice) NOTE EXTRA TUESDAY GP MTG |
22 |
Sara, Tanner, Charlie (CCCE practice) |
August |
5 |
CCCE prep session (independently, no meeting) |
11 |
CCCE evening mixer with the Leitch Lab |
12 |
CCCE discussion |
19 |
CCCE debrief (last summer meeting) |
Spring 2021
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Thursdays 5:30 via Zoom. Starting April 22, 9 am.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
14 |
Tanner and Ian |
21 |
Sofia and Veronica |
28 |
no meeting |
February |
4 |
Charlie (recap of MSc, plans for PhD) |
11 |
Gilian (GSRD practice) |
18 |
Kiera and Atzin |
25 |
Serena and Lindsey |
March |
4 |
Tanner and Veronica |
11 |
Ian and Sofia |
18 |
Kiera (2/3) and Atzin (1/3) (practice for 499 defense) |
25 |
Atzin (1/3) and Veronica (2/3) (practice for 499 defense) |
April |
1 |
no meeting |
8 |
Charlie |
15 |
Gilian |
22 |
Tanner |
29 |
Sofia and Serena |
Fall 2020
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Tuesdays 5:30 online for September.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
22 |
Gilian |
29 |
Tanner and Ian |
October |
6 |
Isaac and Atzin |
13 |
Harmen (entrepreneurship after university) |
20 |
Sofia and Veronica |
27 |
Lindsey and Nav |
November |
3 |
Gilian and Kiera |
10 |
17 |
Isaac thesis defence practice |
24 |
Lindsey 499 defence practice |
December |
1 |
Atzin, Veronica and Kiera |
8 |
Anuj thesis defence practice |
15 |
no meeting |
Summer 2020
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 0900 online.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
6 |
Anuj |
13 |
Gilian |
20 |
Skills discussion (cover letters) |
27 |
Isaac |
June |
3 |
Skills discussion (tba) |
10 |
#shutdownstem discussion |
17 |
Sofia |
24 |
Anuj |
July |
1 |
no meeting (Canada Day) |
8 |
Gilian |
15 |
Monique Grenier, UVic libraries |
22 |
Francisco |
29 |
Isaac |
August |
5 |
Sofia |
12 |
Professionalism discussion |
19 |
no meeting |
26 |
no meeting |
Spring 2020
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 0900 in Elliott 226.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
8 |
Welcome back & new term admin |
15 |
Cancelled due to snow |
22 |
Isaac |
29 |
Mathias |
February |
5 |
Sofia (revised time and location: 1100 in Ell 305) |
12 |
Anuj |
19 |
No meeting |
26 |
No meeting |
March |
4 |
No meeting |
11 |
Gilian |
18 |
Lindsey & Katarina |
25 |
Francisco |
April |
1 |
No meeting |
8 |
Atzin, Kiera, Rina, Jigyasa, Veronica, Darlene |
15 |
Isaac |
22 |
Mathias |
29 |
Sofia |
Fall 2019
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 1100 in Elliott 305. Presenters: it's traditional to
bring snacks for attendees.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
October |
2 |
Mathias |
9 |
Isaac |
16 |
Anuj |
23 |
Francisco |
30 |
Gilian (candidacy practice) |
November |
6 |
Isaac (GSRD practice presentation) |
13 |
Mathias |
20 |
Sofia |
27 |
Anuj |
December |
4 |
David Nelson, 1130-1230 in Cornett A120 |
11 |
Francisco |
18 |
Gilian |
Summer 2019
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 0900 in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
1 |
IDW planning |
8 |
IDW practice |
15 |
No meeting (post-IDW break) |
22 |
Mathias and Sofia (practice for C3) |
29 |
Anuj and Gilian (practice for CCCE) |
June |
5 |
No meeting (CCCE) |
12 |
Isaac and Alexa |
19 |
Miller and Katarina |
26 |
Sofia and Serena |
July |
3 |
Mathias and Lindsey |
10 |
Anuj and Peter |
17 |
Isaac |
24 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
31 |
Katarina |
August |
7 |
Sofia |
14 |
Mathias and Lindsey |
21 |
Anuj |
28 |
No meeting (Scott at Let's Talk About Teaching 2019;
opening keynote at 8:30 am in HHB 105, coffee and pastries
before and after!) |
Spring 2019
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 1100 in Elliott 228.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
9 |
Welcome back, administration |
16 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
23 |
Mathias |
30 |
Alan/Cherry/Lindsey and Gilian/Hayley |
February |
6 |
Lars (PythoMS tutorial - bring your laptop!) |
13 |
Alan (GSRD practice) |
20 |
No meeting (GSRD) |
27 |
Cancelled |
March |
6 |
Isaac/Parmissa/Alexa and Anuj/Rina |
13 |
Miller and Katarina |
20 |
Sofia and Mathias |
27 |
Parmissa and Katarina (499 practice) |
April |
3 |
Gilian/Hayley and Isaac/Alexa |
10 |
Anuj and Miller |
17 |
Alan (defense practice) and Michelle (defense practice) |
24 |
No meeting (Alan's defense) |
May |
1 |
IDW planning |
8 |
IDW planning |
Fall 2018
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, (usually)
Wednesdays 1100 in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
12 |
Planning the term, in Elliott 4th floor common
room |
19 |
Isaac and Parmissa |
26 |
Anuj and Alan |
October |
3 |
Scott Collins |
10 |
Michelle and Gilian |
17 |
Katarina and Sofia |
24 |
Miller |
31 |
Isaac and Parmissa |
November |
7 |
No meeting (Song seminar @12) |
14 |
Anuj and Rina |
21 |
Alan and Cherry |
28 |
No meeting Scott away |
December |
5 |
Gilian and Isaac |
12 |
Sofia and Anuj |
19 |
No meeting |
Summer 2018
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, Tuesdays
0900 in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
April |
24 |
Anuj & Isaac candidacy practice |
May |
1 |
No meeting: Natalie's defense 0900-1100 |
8 |
General group meeting: introductions, 3-minute project
descriptions |
15 |
Alan and Michelle |
22 |
CSC practice talks: Harmen and Darien |
29 |
No meeting: CSC |
June |
5 |
Isaac and Parmissa and Jaiya |
12 |
No meeting: Scott away |
19 |
No meeting: Scott away |
26 |
Anuj and Katarina |
July |
4 |
No meeting: Scott away |
10 |
Michelle and Meghan |
17 |
Alan and Darien |
24 |
Isaac and Parmissa and Jaiya |
31 |
Anuj and Katarina |
August |
7 |
Harmen and Jenny |
14 |
Michelle and Meghan |
21 |
Alan and Darien |
28 |
No meeting: Scott away |
Spring 2018
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Tuesdays
1100 in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
9 |
Scott |
16 |
Harmen, Elena, Anuj, and Alan |
23 |
Darien and Johanne |
30 |
Michelle (509 practice) |
February |
6 |
Isaac, Jenny, Parmissa |
13 |
Natalie (defense practice) |
20 |
Lab meeting |
27 |
Lab meeting |
March |
6 |
Lab meeting |
13 |
Lab meeting |
20 |
Lab meeting |
27 |
Lab meeting |
April |
3 |
Darien (candidacy practice) |
10 |
Anuj (candidacy practice) |
17 |
Isaac (candidacy practice) |
24 |
Harman and Elena |
Fall 2017
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Fridays 1200
in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
8 |
Scott and Anuj |
15 |
Lab cleanup |
22 |
Isaac and group photo |
29 |
Elena and Jie |
October |
6 |
Darien and Alan |
13 |
Michelle and Anuj |
20 |
Isaac and Harmen |
27 |
Scott and Darien |
November |
3 |
Natalie (509 practice) |
10 |
Jie (509 practice) |
17 |
Michelle and Alan |
24 |
Anuj and Isaac |
December |
1 |
Elena and Harmen |
8 |
Darien and Michelle |
15 |
Alan and Anuj |
Summer 2017
Group meetings for the Summer will be held every week, Tuesdays
1030 in Elliott 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
2 |
Harmen and Anuj |
9 |
Darien (transfer practice) + summer planning |
16 |
Isaac and Johanne |
23 |
Postponed until 25th due to Weller visit: Darien and
Harmen (CSC practice) |
30 |
Cancelled (CSC) |
June |
6 |
Matt Greeno and Jie |
13 |
Eric (defence practice) |
20 |
Natalie and Anuj |
27 |
Isaac and Johanne |
July |
4 |
Harmen and Darien |
11 |
Jie and Michelle |
18 |
Natalie and Anuj |
25 |
isaac and Johanne |
August |
1 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
8 |
Harmen and Darien |
15 |
Jie and Michelle |
22 |
No meeting (SE2017) |
Spring 2017
Group meetings for the Spring will be held every week, Wednesdays
0900 in Ell 038.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
4 |
Planning for the year ahead |
11 |
Harmen and Scott |
18 |
Jane (defense practice) |
25 |
Johanne and Natalie |
February |
1 |
Jie and Anuj |
8 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
15 |
Peter and Darien |
22 |
Michelle and Isaac |
March |
1 |
Johanne and Natalie |
8 |
Scott |
15 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
22 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
29 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
April |
5 |
No meeting (Scott away) |
13 |
Lars (defense practice) |
19 |
Scott |
26 |
cancelled |
Summer 2016
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
May |
5 |
no meeting (Nanolytica) |
12 |
Summer planning |
19 |
Quick intros: Peter, Darien, Apoorva, Keyear (5 min + Q
each) |
26 |
Eric and Johanne |
June |
2 |
Kingsly (CSC practice) |
9 |
No meeting (CSC Halifax) |
16 |
Harmen/Gordon and Lars |
23 |
Jie and Landon and Natalie |
30 |
Jane and Isaac |
July |
7 |
Keyear and Darien |
14 |
Peter and Apoorva |
21 |
Kingsly (defense practice) |
28 |
no meeting (Scott away) |
August |
15 |
Johanne (plus setting up so Scott can attend virtually for
August through November) |
16 |
Lars (ACS practice) |
18 |
Eric and Natalie (IMSC practice) |
25 |
No meeting (IMSC2016 Toronto) |
Spring 2016
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
January |
7 |
Planning for the year ahead |
14 |
No meeting (Scott away in Portland) |
21 |
Kingsly (509 practice) |
28 |
No meeting (NOVA SPG update) |
February |
4 |
Lars (509 practice) |
11 |
Landon |
18 |
Jane and Jingwei |
25 |
Natalie and Jie |
March |
3 |
Farhana and Eric |
10 |
Johanne (PhD work, project goals) |
17 |
Diego and Hyewon |
24 |
Kingsly and Lars |
31 |
Landon (499 practice) |
April |
7 |
Jane and Jingwei |
14 |
Amelia (CSC practice) |
21 |
Harmen (PhD work, project goals) |
28 |
Natalie and Jie |
Fall 2015
Group meetings for the Fall will be held every week, Thursdays
0900 in Ell 305.
Month |
Date |
Speaker |
September |
17 |
Lars and Eric |
24 |
Florian and Jie |
October |
1 |
Natalie and Jane |
8 |
Landon and Julio |
15 |
Karlee and Aiyden |
22 |
Jason Hein (UBC) |
29 |
Lars (candidacy practice) |
November |
5 |
Eric and Jie |
9 |
19 |
Jingwei and Jane (NOTE: ELLIOTT 160) |
26 |
Natalie and Landon |
December |
3 |
Julio and Rhonda (NOTE: ELLIOTT 160) |
10 |
Eric and Jie |
17 |
JoVE brainstorming |
24 |
No meeting (Christmas Eve) |
31 |
No meeting (New Year's Eve) |
© JS McIndoe, Department
of Chemistry, University of
Victoria · Updated
7 February, 2025