Last modified: Mon Feb 19 13:44:55 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

Call For Music

Deadline for Music submission is over.

See also:

NOTE: Other music events not directly organized by us may be found in our OFF-ICMC page

Call for Works

ICMC 2001 welcomes submissions using: computers and various acoustic instruments (see below), interactive performance, improvisation, sonic processing and spatialization, loudspeakers and sound diffusion systems (eight channels maximum). Composers are strongly encouraged to provide their own computers, associated hardware and software required for their performance. The ICMC committee reserves the right to reject submissions that are not practical to perform in Cuba.

There are three principle ensembles available:

The Cuban ensemble "Nuestro Tiempo," with flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, 2 percussion, keyboard, 6 first violins, 4 second violins, 3 violas, 3 cellos, 2 contrabass.

"Meta Duo" :a duo for saxophone and live electronics.
A new approach to chamber music, space music : its expression comes trueby associating a classical interpreter with a new generation of instrumentalists : those who play the modern instrument family mixers, flangers, phasing, and other sound processors (using sound producing, colouring and spacing to their full extend). The only Duet in the world working, (devoted to) this kind of music, Méta-duo works out withinits rigorous, magic and sensual electroacoustic world. It experiences the sound alchemy of our time.
Daniel KIENTZY : (France) A player to have mastered all 7 members of the saxophone family, more than 300 pieces have been written expressly for him (Concertos, operas, electronics, multimedia pieces etc.)
Reina PORTUONDO : (Cuba) She has exercised her talent as electroacoustic musician in some places in the world. She has played an essential part in Nova Musica's formulation of enneaphony.

The Danish ensemble "Contemporanea," with Fritz Gerhard Berthelsen, clarinets, Christian Martinez, percussion, Arendse Dalgaard, violin, Kalina Goudeva, double bass, and Ejnar Kanding, computer, sound diffusion.

In addition, there are several guitar ensembles, a saxophone quartet, clarinet quartet, piano/violin duo, chorus, and extensive percussion, in classical, folkloric and popular idioms.

Naturally, works using digitally generated tape are also welcome. All commonly used formats (DAT, ADAT, CD) may be submitted.

Deadline for Music submission is over.

Contact Address

ICMC 2001 Music Chair, Andrew Schloss and Marco Trevisani