Last modified: Mon Feb 19 13:44:33 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

Call for Papers, Posters, Demos, & Studio Reports

Deadline for Paper submission is over.

See also:


All papers, or extended abstracts, posters, studio reports, and demonstrations contributions needed to be submitted by February 15, 2001 (E-Mail Timestamp).

Thank you for your interest.

Papers or extended abstract submission instructions are available on-line.

Remembering the legacy of Stanley Kubrick, we subtitle this historic conference "ICMC 2001 in Havana: A Cultural Odyssey." Papers dealing with the influence of digital technology in both Western music and in other, traditional cultures are strongly encouraged, and also papers dealing with improvisation in electroacoustic music.

Further topics for papers include but are not limited to:

Special topics for "Open Art, Open Software & Open Hardware"

...and more in general:

Deadline for Paper submission is over.