Last modified: Tue Feb 20 17:35:24 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

Paper Submission Instructions

Deadline for abstract submission is over

vote the workshop NEW

All papers, extended abstracts, posters, studio reports, and demonstrations contributions needed to be submitted by February 15, 2001 (On line submission timestamp).

Nota Bene

All contributions of papers, extended abstracts, posters, studio reports, and demonstrations must be submitted by e-mail.
Abstracts with the on-line form.

The only acceptable formats for finished and accepted papers, posters, studio reports, and demonstrations are: PDF, PS

For the Extended Abstract acceptable format is exclusively ASCII.Read below for detailed instructions.
Abstract Submission Form

Instructions for E-Mail Submissions

Please include all of the following information:

  1. Author Names and e-mail contact information
  2. Additional contact information for first author (physical address, phone, fax)
  3. Submission type One of the following:
    Long Paper 7-8 pages in Proceedings and 30 minutes presentation time, including discussion
    Short Paper 3-4 pages in Proceedings and 20 minutes presentation time, including discussion
    Poster 3-4 pages in Proceedings, presentation in poster sessions room
    Demo 3-4 pages in Proceedings, 45 minutes presentation time
    Studio Report 3-4 pages in Proceedings and 20 minutes presentation time

  4. Title of Paper/Poster/Demo/Report
  5. Keywords (Max. 5, delimited by semicolons)

  6. Content Area This will be used to choose appropriate readers. Select one from the topic list

  7. Resources required for presentation In particular:

    Please be as specific as you can. This will assist us in making your presentation run as smoothly as possible.

  8. Abstract

    Extended abstracts of two pages for Long Paper submissions , but not to exceed 3,000 words, and as well for short papers , but not to exceed 2,000 words, and no more than 1,500 words for all other submissions.
    Do not sneak in references to yourself in the abstract; the jury process is anonymous.
    Send your extended abstract in ASCII format to the address below.
    If your extended abstract contains graphics you can send it as PS format or PDF to the contact the address below. In any case you must fill the form below and remember to include in you email the registration number that will be given to you.Thank you.

Do not use this address to send abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission is over. Abstracts sent by email are not accepted

Contact Address

ICMC 2001 Papers Chairs:
Dr. Roger Dannenberg
Dr. Peter Driessen