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Introduction to Dance The purpose of this website is to demonstrate how we delivered a creative hip-hop dance unit to a group of colleagues. The material presented here is such that this unit could be easily adapted to fit the needs of any intermediate classroom. This particular dance unit will require some preparation on the teacher’s part in learning the provided choreography. Teachers should find all of the necessary written material as well as visual and auditory samples to make this process as easy as possible. The Do Your Thang dance was designed for grade six students and meets several of the physical education prescribed learning outcomes for this grade level (please see the Unit Overview). The steps included in the choreography are appropriate for grade six students but could be easily adapted to accommodate any intermediate grade. Some of these steps are challenging, but if the steps are too easy then often the students will lose interest. Steps may be removed, slowed down or changed altogether. For example, the toe-tapping choreographed for two eight beats counts can be simplified or slowed down to accommodate all learners. We hope that you will find this unit not only helpful and practical for meeting the dance requirements of the physical education curriculum, but also a lot of fun.
Laura Parker, Sabrina Booth, and Gobind Manak