Laura, Sabrina & Gobind's

Creative Dance Unit

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Unit Overview

Dance Analysis

Section 1

Section 2 

Section 3

Section 4

Assessment Strategy

Teacher Reflections

Dr Hopper Website

Unit Overview

Physical Education – Movement (Dance)


Grade Level:  6                                 

Class Size:  30

PE Topic:  Movement                       

Curriculum Topics:  Dance, Active Living

Time:  40 minute PE blocks


PLOs:  It is expected that students will…

1.      use the creative process to develop dances, alone and with others

2.      refine dance patterns from a variety of dance forms, alone and with others

3.      select and perform complex movement sequences using elements of body awareness, space awareness, qualities, and relationships, alone or with others, with or without objects.


Objectives:  It is expected that students will…

-         keeping a steady beat individually and in group.

-         Identifying beats in eight beat groupings.

-         Moving as a group to choreography.

-         Sequencing provided steps into a new pattern using visual organizers.

-         Creating and sequencing free-style choreography into the dance sequence.

-         Perform the combined rehearsed dance for a group of peers.


  • CD recordings (see lesson plans)

  • Sound equipment (c.d. player)

  • Create a Dance Handout

  • Sequencing cards

Lesson One:

Students will use games to explore keeping a steady beat and experiment with moving to the beat in counts of eight.


Lesson Two:

Students will learn the structured choreographed portion of the dance while exploring the group relationships within their line.


Lesson Three:

Students will work in groups to construct an original movement pattern using the provided dance steps by sequencing the movements into their own creative piece.


Lesson Four:

Students will create their own original dance sequence with emphasis on the dynamics, spatial, and relationship elements of dance


Culminating Activity:

Students will perform their dance for an audience.


Subject: Physical Education - Movement                                   Lesson # 1


Focus: Exploring the steady beat through movement.          



CD Recording-Bangals We’ve Got the Beat, Moby Run, Run DMC It’s Like That

CD player


The students will be able to…

-         demonstrate a steady beat using various body movements

-         recognize beat patterns in music (specifically 8 counts)


(10 Min)

- Brief class discussion of hip-hop dance, appropriate movements, and creative movement expectations (i.e. safety)

- Entire class exploration finding the beat in a circle.  Students will volunteer to demonstrate various ways of keeping a steady beat to music (Music suggestion: Run DMC It’s Like That)


(25 Min)

- Play “Mystery Leader” to Bangals We’ve Got the Beat

          - One student leads the class in keeping the steady beat, changing how they represent the beat at their own discretion, while another student who was outside the room when the leader was selected tries to guess who the leader is. 

-Explore various ways to move throughout the gym in beats of eight.  Focus on changing directions as well as contrasts in time and effort quality.  (Music suggestion: Moby Run


(5 Min)

- Class discussion on student observations, challenges, and sharing of successes with moving to the beat.

Evaluation Strategies:

-Observation checklist: (Were students able to keep a steady beat? / Did students explore various movement elements while keeping the beat.)

Teacher notes:

-         not surprisingly there was a observable difference in the behavior of the students split on gender lines

-         although many of the girls have a dance background they were reluctant to take risks in front of their peers, the boys were willing to take more risks provided it was a bit silly (which was encouraged as a creative expression)

Subject:  Physical Education - Movement                                  Lesson # 2


Focus:  Present and explore the choreographed dance pattern.                                                                                    

Materials: CD player and recording of Basement Jax Do Your Thang 

The students will be able to…

-         Move according to the provided steps of the choreographed dance.

-         Maintain the line relationship.


(5 Min)

- Introduce new music Basement Jax Do Your Thang

- Review moving to steady counts of eight. 


(30 Min)

- Arrange students in lines staggering arrangement so that everyone can see front.

- From front of gym model dance steps and allow for student rehearsal time (First rehearse steps without music using verbal cues, then add music and identify auditory cues in the music for transitions)

Choreography as follows:


-         Grapevine Right + clap, Grapvine Left + clap (8counts) x4

Section A

-         “Raise the Roof” forward and backwards x2

-         Toe Tap pattern Right foot (tap front x2, tap back x2, front x1, side x1, behind x1, and feet together) – (8counts)

-         Toe Tap pattern Left foot (repeat above pattern using Left foot) – (8counts)

-         Finger wag Right hand (4 counts), Finger wag Left Hand (4 counts)

-         Jump Turn Pattern (¼ turn Right, ½ turn Left, ¼ turn Right, ¼ turn Right, ¼ turn Right, clap) – (8 counts)

Section A  done 2x 


(5 Min)

- discussion: what were some strategies used to stay with your group?

Evaluation Strategies:

- Observation checklist: (willingness to participate, ability to stay in formation) 

Teacher notes:

- behavior was much improved this lesson, possibly due to the new line formation which allowed for ease in classroom management.


Subject: Physical Education - Movement                                   Lesson # 3


Focus: Students will create their own original movement sequence using the modeled steps from last class.


CD player and recording of Basement Jax Do Your Thang

Create a Dance Handout and Sequencing Cards (1 per group)


The students will be able to…

-         Arrange the movements learned in the previous class to create an original movement sequence.

-         Collaborate effectively in groups to design a creative dance sequence.


(10 Min)

- Review choreography from last day, allowing time for rehearsal of steps.


(25 Min)

- Pass out necessary materials to groups and direct students that they will need to resequence the choreography to create an original four 8 count composition.

- Have music playing on a continuous loop so that students can create, refine, and rehearse their movement sequence.

- Circulate throughout the gym to observe and offer assistance. 


(5 Min)

- Groups share their composition (½ class performs while other ½ is audience, then switch)

Evaluation Strategies:

- Peer evaluations of group performances (2 Stars and a wish)


Teacher notes:

-While circulating we noticed that some student were natural leaders and we had to encourage more timid students to contribute to the overall composition.

- Observed Some difficulty with gender interactions, within groups the boys and girls were often working separately on their own choreography

- Although students were limited in the movement choices, they were able to personalize their choreography by adding their own creative interpretations of the relationships, effort qualities, and spatial arrangements of their composition.


Subject: Physical Education - Movement                                    Lesson #4


Focus: Create your own choreographed movement sequence using prior knowledge from earlier lessons.  

Materials: CD player and recording of Basement Jax Do Your Thang 

The students will be able to…

-create their own choreographed movement sequence to 4, 8 count beats

-practice their movement sequence within their group

-present the movement sequence to the rest of the class



(8 Min)

-Review keeping the beat to an 8 count

-Debrief learning from last week’s lesson (create a line movement sequence)

-Inform students that they will create their own movement sequence for 4, 8 counts in groups

-Teacher numbers off students for groups (5-6) and each group is given their own space to work in the gym



(25 Min)

-Students work in their groups brainstorming and practicing ideas for their creative movement sequence

-Teacher circulates to each group, encouraging creative thinking and creative movement sequences

-Students begin to put together their choreographed movement sequence

-“Do your Thing” is played for the student’s to help them conceptualize their movement sequence with the beat pattern of the song.

-Half of the class sits quietly and watches the other half of the class perform their choreographed movement sequence to the music. Visa versa.  


(7 Min)

-Student’s are asked what they liked, disliked and noticed from the presentations and their own experience creating the movement sequence


Evaluation Strategies:

- Creative Dance Rubric