Scope - Entry and exit outcomes
Content Analysis
Block Plan
Managerial routines
Organizational strategies
Additional Materials


Lesson 2- Groups of 3, Transition from defense to offense

Tactical Problem:   Setting up to attack.
Skill Development :   Accurate forearm pass to setter.
  Setter opens up and sets.
  Successful transition from passer to attacker.

Teaching Points


  • Move off net when ball comes over.
  • Anticipate direction of pass
  • Open up to court.


  • Back up on balls of feet.
  • Start low with knees bent.
  • Square shoulders to ball.

Organizational Points

  • Groups of six students
  • Can fit four groups on one court.
  • Setter can catch ball or set it.


Q: Why do you have to make a good pass?
A: So that the setter can make a good set.

Q: Why does the setter open up?
A: To square his/her shoulders and make a good set.

Q: Where does the hitter go when the ball comes over?
A: Back close too or behind the attack line.
