BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson Badminton unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.
Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.  The task/game sheets contain teaching points, organization pointers, diagrams and images or video clips.

Lesson 1
Tactical Problem

 Put the bird in the space where the opponent is not.

Lesson focus: Net shot in relation to the overhead clear

Introductory task/game

  • Intro to the net shot.  Proper footwork, lunge and recovery.
  • Drill#1:  2 feeders, feed the birds from both sides of the net to the player on the other side of the net.  Player must lunge and net shot bird and recovery from both sides of the net.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Bean bag in place of racquet to ensure proper racquet technique when striking the bird.  3 second bean bag rally.  Works on two skills:  the net shot and the overhead clear to allow invasion of the opponentís space and to anticipate where the opponent will place the bean bag.
  • Practice the net shot using the bean bag. 10 shots each then switch.
  • Drill #2: 4 people to a court: hitter, counter and 2 feeders.  Hitters go for 30 seconds and successful shot are tallied. 

Culminating Game: 

  • Ladder- doubles
Lesson 2
Tactical Problem

Put bird in space where opponent is not. 

Lesson focus: The Smash 

Introductory task/game

  • 1.  Rally:  birdie must remain in the air for 10 consecutive hits.
  • Corner Drill. Feeder sends birdie to all four corners of court and partner must anticipate and get to the bird before it hits the floor.
  • Drill#3:  Feeder sends bird over net making partner lunge for bird for a successful underhand clear.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Proper footwork, body position, and recovery of The Smash
  • Preparation
  • Wind up
  • Contact
  • Follow through

Culminating Game: 

  • Mini king or queen of the court.  Groups of three on half courts.  Points up to 4, and rotate players.
Lesson 3
Tactical Problem

Place bird in space where opponent is not and anticipate next play by opponent. 

Lesson focus: Service 

Introductory task/game

  • In pairs toss bird to partner.  Make one rule to make this game play.  Then keep bird in flight and away from opponent.  Make up a points system.
  • Overhead clear and touch attack line before opponent returns bird.
  • Smash and underhand clear. Partner will serve and opponent will lightly smash bird back while partner returns.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Serves: Basic, High Deep, Flick and the Backhand serve.
  • Mini King or Queen of the court.  Rally point five and cannot use the same serve right after the other.

Culminating Game: 

  • Continue with the Ladder Board
Lesson 4
Tactical Problem

Place the bird in space where opponent is not. 

Lesson focus:  The Backhand 

Introductory task/game

 Square Game:done in partners with a ball in a square grid.  Can be done easily at first, and then progress to competitive by making partner move in all directions.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Practice backhands against the wall: using paddle racquets and larger balls.
  • Wall Game in pairs: students have the choice to make up 3 rules.
  • Target Drill: hitters attempt to hit bird into one of two hula hoops.

Culminating Game: 

  • Continue with the Ladder Board