Chem 560 Research Tools and Special Topics

Course coordinator
List of Modules

List of Modules

The modules offered will change from year to year, depending on the interest of students and the availability of faculty. A total of three 0.5-credit modules are needed to make up a full lecture course's worth of credit. Modules do not need to be completed in the same academic year, as each module will earn the student its own 0.5 credits. Offerings depend strongly on student demand, so let your interest be known to the instructors EARLY.

Our current list of modules is:

Module title
Instructor Latest word on availability (updated 19 August, 2015)
Intermolecular interactions and molecular recognition Tom Fyles October 2015
Magnetism in Materials and Medicine Natia Frank Fall 2015
Current Trends in Materials Science Natia Frank Spring 2016
Practical aspects of NMR: getting useful spectra and exploiting heteronuclei Lisa Rosenberg
and Chris Barr
Spring 2016
Introduction to Maple (mathematics software)
David Harrington Spring 2016
Programming for data visualization and analysis Dennis Hore April 2016
Mass spectrometry Scott McIndoe
and Ori Granot
Fall 2016 (this module is offered every ~4 terms)
Structure determination by NMR Jeremy Wulff *
Molecular dynamics simulations: from gas phase to proteins and materials
Irina Paci *
Molecular properties from quantum calculation: a practical guide
Irina Paci *
Photophysics and photochemistry: focus on practical applications Cornelia Bohne Off for 2015-2016
NMR characterization of dynamic systems Fraser Hof Off for 2015-2016 (sabbatical)
Bioinorganic chemistry Robin Hicks Off for 2015-2016

* information not yet available

The rough availability is indicated beside each module, above. Students should express their interests to the instructors directly, even if a module is listed as "Off" for the near future in the above table, as instructors make their plans for subsequent years based on student demand.

Check each of these pages to find out more about what, when and how each module will be taught. Because of the high level of delivery and low number of students, the teaching method may be considerably less conventional than a typical course, and modules may be delivered at unusual times or in large chunks. Keep an open mind!

Discontinued modules that have been offered/delivered since the inception of this course in 2007 include: Metals in Organic Synthesis (D. Berg), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (R. Hicks), Organic Devices (N. Frank), X-ray crystallography (P. Codding), Proteins and Chemical Biology (F. Hof), Structure-Based Drug Design (F. Hof), Lithography Mask Design (D. Steuerman), Introduction to Materials Deposition (D. Steuerman), and Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (N. Frank), Membranes and Transport (T. Fyles).