Jia Tian was born in June 1989 in Henan, China. In 2016, Jia graduated from the Fudan University (FDU, QS #40) under supervision of Professor Zhan-Ting Li and also worked as a counsellor for postgraduates in FDU from 2013 to 2016. Jia was awarded the Top Ten Counsellors Award as a fellow of the Talent Project II in FDU. Then Jia moved to the United States as a research fellow and stay in MIT until 2018. Jia was then awarded Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow by EU and joined the University of Bristol under supervision of Prof. Ian Manners (FRS, UK). Jia had published 21 papers and 2 patents in the fields of molecular recognition and self-assembly principles and methods. Jia has been designing bionic materials, artificial photosynthetic systems, biomedicine, supramolecular polymers, Supramolecular Organic Frameworks (SOFs) and conjugated polymers. Now, Jia focus on the creation of supramolecular catalytic assemblies (SCAs), artificial biological assemblies mimicking nature. Jia and Kasumi have a cosy flat in Clifton, and he likes pop, ballad, RAP and rock music, he also likes to watch films, science fictions, play basketball, football and DOTA in his spare time away from lab.