The Lab


Labs in the Elliott Building

Elliott labs cont.

Labs in the Bob Wright Center


Malvern Omnisec Resolve Reveal quad-detection GPC

Malvern TDA305 dual-detection GPC

TA Instruments DSC25 differential scanning calorimeter

Leica ACE600 carbon coater with plasma discharge & Labconco freezedrier

MBraun Labmaster Pro glovebox with cold well

MBraun Labmaster Pro glovebox

MBraun 5-solvent purification system

Heidolph rotary evaporator with Vario pump

Luzchem UV photoreactor

Laurell Spin Coater

Malvern Panalytical Zetasizer Pro DLS

Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis

WaveNow Potentiostat

Mandel Shimadzu Preparatory GPC with UV and RI detectors

Memmer Polymerization Oven with adjustable rocking reaction stage