Yifan was born and grew up in a megalopolis, Beijing, capital of China. In 2007, he left beloved industrialized hometown and started his chemistry journey in Xiamen, a quiet garden-like islet in southeast China just opposite to Taiwan. In 2011 after getting his B.S. degree, he came back to his hometown pursuing his Ph.D. in chemistry at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (ICCAS). After spending a splendid 5 years in the crowded and highly competitive institution. His spirit of adventure drives him moved to Institute of Basic Science (IBS) in Korea, Ulsan, which is an "academic temple" hidden inside the mountains. After two unforgettable years research in polymer physics, he joins Prof. Ian Manners group in 2018 as a research associate. His research interests focus on functional self-assembled micelles and optoelectronic materials based on cutting-edge technique CDSA. Last, he would like to share his favorite Chinese saying "The difficult thing is not just to know something, but to do it; the most difficult thing is not even to do something, but to be persistent on doing it." In spare time, he likes playing soccer, traveling and chatting with friends