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Content will be broken down progressively for tactical understanding and skill development (Hopper, 1998).  The relationship will be basic skill to play, then from game play to skill development and back to more challenging game play (Thorpe and Bunker, 1989).  Skills will be broken down into off-the-ball movements and on-the-ball skills (Griffin, Mitchell & Oslin, 1997).
Tactical Problem
On-the-ball skills
Off-the-ball movements
Keep the ball moving from partner to partner without dropping
Prepare for the next contact
Put the ball high enough for partner to receive
Square to target
Present a flat platform for the bump
Have arms away from body
Move with legs, do not swing arms
 Preparatory Movement
Ready Position
Reading Partner
Moving to ball
Cone Flip
Have more cones in your teams orientation
Move to the next cone as quickly as possible
Don't contact other classmates
Flip the cone into your teams orientation
Bend at the knees not at the waist
Keep Head Up
Stay Low
Push Off To Change Direction
Bump/Set to Moving Target
Achieve the most consecutive passes in the class
Move to an open corner
Allow partner time to contact, put the ball high
Thumbs back, form triangle OR Flat platform, arms away from body
Square to Target
Get under the ball
Push with the legs
Follow through toward target
Move to an open corner
Read Partners Shoulders
Serve to Partner
Deliver the ball to a target using a toss or serve
Contact the ball with the heal of hand
Transfer weight from back to front foot
Follow through with hand toward target
Shoulders in line with target
Anticipate the direction of serve, read body position
Ready Position
Keep the ball bouncing in an area
Make your partner miss the ball
Keep in a diagonal position to your partner
Catch and throw 
Put ball into space
Put ball into difficult to control position
Ready Position
Push Off
Reading and reacting to partners body position
Receive a toss and bump to partner
Get body in front of the ball
Present platform
Get ball to target
Flat platform, arms away from body
Square to Target
Get under the ball
Push with the legs
Follow through toward target
Catch and Toss
Recover to ready position
Prepare for next ball
Watch tossers shoulders for indication of direction
Bumping from Sitting and Kneeling
Receive the ball with arms away from body and flat platform
Don't swing arms
Flat platform, arms away from body
Catch and Toss
Sit/kneel up right with arms away from body
Knee Tag Game
Guard your knees while trying to tag your partners
Reach and quickly tag Guard and move away
Pairs Castle Game
Score more points than your opponent
Set up to attack by moving the non-receiving partner close to the cone
Reading opponents situation and responding
Attacking as pair
Passing to teammate
Hitting target with object
Reading opponents
Moving into position
Coordinating action with partner
Pairs Volleyball with Badminton Nets
Setting up to attack by creating space on opponent's side 
           Guarding space on own side of net 
Hitting to open spaces on opponent's court 
           Defending open spaces 
Reading opponent's situation and responding 
Attacking as a pair 
         Defending as a pair 
Passing to teammate
Putting the ball into opponents space
Covering Space
Moving into scoring position
Recovery to ready position
Reading opponents
Coordinating action with partner
Toss and Catch With the Forehead
Align body with ball 
Contact ball with the forehead
Move into setting position 
Contact ball with forehead
Catch and toss to self
Move under ball
Bring hands into setting position but allow ball to contact forehead instead
2 vs. 2 Passing Game
Maintain possession for 5 consecutive passes to score
Attack to open space
Defend open person
Can't run with object
Identify attacking pairs movement cues
Catch and toss
Pivot away from defender and into passing position
Toss to partner or into space partner will soon occupy
Move into open space
Point and move to open space
Cover attacking players 
Force harder passes 
Serving Progression
Put ball into difficult to return area/ create a problem for your opponents
Put ball into play over net with underhand or overhand contact
Shift weight from back to front foot
Contact ball with palm of hand
Square shoulders to target
Follow through toward target
Read servers shoulders
Move into position
Recover to ready position
Three vs. Three Volleyball (Lowered Nets)
Put ball into difficult to return area/ create a problem for your opponents
Put ball into play over net with underhand or overhand contact
Identify attacking teams movement cues
Setting up to attack by creating space on opponent's side 
           Guarding space on own side of net 
Hitting to open spaces on opponent's court 
           Defending open spaces 
Reading opponent's situation and responding 
Attacking as a team
         Defending as a team
Receive ball and put it up to net (attacking area)
Put ball into opponents space

Quick movements to cover target areas 
Recovery to ready position
Move to attacking/defending positions