BLOCK PLAN - Four Lesson Volleyball Unit
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Lesson 1
Tactical Problem

 Bump the Ball Consistently to a Target
Lesson focus:  Read partners positioning 
                       Prepare for contact 
Skill objective: Bump ball toward target 
                       Correct Push-Off / Footwork 
Introductory task/game

  • Cone Flip 
    • Progress: walk to run AND cooperative to competitive. 
      link to a drawing of the drill
Ready Position Cues
      • Key Points: bend at knees, head up, push off, move quickly between cones and control the movement at the cone (slow) 
  • Receive a toss and bump to partner on same side of net. 
   link to a drawing of the drill
    • Key get under the ball, push off 
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Bumping to Partner From the Ground 
 link to a drawing of the drill
Bumping Cues
Graphical Explanation
    • 5 sitting, 5 kneeling 
    • Key Point: Flat platform away from body. 
  • Intro Bump Drill  Picture 
  • Toss to partner, Bump to Self, Catch, Toss to partner.  Over obstacle.
     link to a drawing of the drill
    • Consistency with a controlled delivery 
    • Extension:  pass to self then over net to partner, continuous 
    • Simplification:  work away from the net same drill, concentrate on moving to the target 
    • Key Point:  move into position before perform skill, put ball high to give partner time 
      • Order of Presentation:  Feet, head, hands. 
    Bumping in a quadrant with partner 
    link to a drawing of the drill
    • Consistency with a controlled delivery 
    • Extension:  pass to positions 
    • Simplification:  toss partner, partner pass to self, catch, and toss to partner 
Culminating Game: The Sprawl
  • Two players 
  • Bounce the ball between the cones, opponent bumps to self, catches and bounces the ball between the cones to opponent. 
      link to a drawing of the drill
    • Progression:  Cooperative, competitive, to score. 
    • Extension:  To challenge players decrease the distance between the cones, and/or the required height for the ball to bounce. 
    • Key:  Foot work, push off and get body behind the ball, players must remain in ready position to achieve success. 
Lesson 2
Tactical Problem

 Move Into Position to Receive a Ball
Lesson focus:  Ready Position 
                      Move into Position 
Skill objective:  Bump and set to a target 
Introductory task/game

  • Lose your partner 
    • Run through a space and try to lose your partner. 
    • Progress: cooperative, competitive, to score. 
    • Key: push off 
    • Progress: cooperative, competitive, to score AND attack only, defend only, attack and defend.  Decrease the space to make it harder.
    • Cue:  keep the head UP!
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Toss and catch with the forehead 
    • Each student has a ball and throws it up trying to bounce it on their forehead. 
    • Progress:  low to high AND on target to slightly off target 
 link to a drawing of the drill
      • in a quadrant have them toss a ball that is easy to reach. 
      • Progress:  toss the ball off target 
      • Ask:  What do you have to do to make more time for lining up forehead and ball 
      • Answer:  Foot work, ready position. 
  • Setting to self 
    • Technique cues:  triangle, thumbs back, use legs, follow through with the "L" (index and thumb). 
    • Same ready position. 
  • Setting with partner in a quadrant  Picture 
 link to a drawing of the drill
Setting Cues
Graphical Explanation

    • Progress:  high to low AND on target to off target.  Cooperative, competitive, and to score. 
  • Setting to partner over a badminton net Picture
    • Progress:  on target to off target AND  cooperative, competitive, and to score.  
Culminating Game: 
  • Two on two volley ball using only the bump and set. With a badminton net. 
  •           Picture
  • Toss ball over the net. 
    • Progression:  Cooperative, competitive, to score. 
    • Key:  Feet, head, hands. Must get to ball before you can play it.  Ready position, push off, and proper foot work. 
    • Extension: 
      • 1.  Require three hits to score.
      • 2.  Lengthen the court. 
    • Simplification: 
      • 1.  Allow the ball to bounce once on each side. 
      • Decrease the length of the court. 
Lesson 3
Tactical Problem

 Team work, working and playing cooperatively
Lesson focus:  Working with a partner cooperatively 
                       Small team cooperative play 
Skill objective:  Communication 
                        Moving into a position to score 
                        Understanding the flow of play 
Introductory task/game

Knee tag game   Picture
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • Pairs Castle Game 
    • Progress:  Cooperative, competitive, to score AND high passes to low passes (take away time).  One touch or two TO two touches (bump then set OR either). 
    • Key Points:  Read your opponents and move into position, ask where position is (A: diagonal); communicate; height = time. 
    • Social Responsibility:  switch partners, challenge a new group, learn to adapt to different individuals, communicate. 

    • Picture
      This picture shows only single player castle.  Just add another player to each team and have one person bump after the other team tries to hit the target, the other partner moves close to the cone (castle) and receives the bump pass with a set or bump (teacher choice) trying to hit the castle.
Culminating Game: 
  • Two on two volley ball using only the bump and set. With a badminton net. 
  • Toss ball over the net. 
  • Progression:  Cooperative, competitive, to score. 
  • Team work:  Position to score, utilize pattern of play learned from pairs castle game. 
  • Key:  Feet, head, hands. Must get to ball before you can play it.  Ready position, push off, and proper foot work. 
  • Extension: 
    • 1.  Require three hits to score. 
    • 2.  Lengthen the court. 
  • Simplification: 
    • 1.  Allow the ball to bounce once on each side. 
    • 2.  Decrease the length of the court. 



Lesson 4
Tactical Problem

Starting Play (The Serve), putting ball into space. 
Lesson focus:  The Concept of Space 
                       Creating a problem for the other 
                       team (serving) 
Skill objective:  Serving to and away from a target 

Introductory task/game

  • 2 vs. 2 passing game. 
  • Goal:  to pass the ball directly or just ahead of your partner as to maintain possession. 
  • Concept: pass the ball to a target or into space. 
  • Key: reading the defense and your partner.  Communicate and identify movement cues. 
  • Progression:  Cooperative, competitive, to score.  From large area to small area AND passive, semi-aggressive, and aggressive defense. 

  • Picture
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

Serving Cues
Graphical Explanation
  • Tossing underhand to a partner 
    • Key Points:  Transfer of weight, follow through, swing arm straight. 
  • Serve to a target on the same side of net     Picture 
    • Key Points:  contact the ball with the heal of the hand, square shoulders to target, follow through toward target. 
  • Hit to a target across the net 
    • Key Points:  contact the ball with the heal of the hand, square shoulders to target, follow through toward target. 
      • Management:  Balls move in only one direction, other side catches and rolls back to partner. Ten then switch. 
Culminating Game: 
  • Three on three volleyball using only the bump and set. With a lowered volleyball net.           Picture
  • Can serve from any where in court, if necessary toss ball into play. 
  • Progression:  Cooperative, competitive, to score. 
  • Key:  Feet, head, hands. Must get to ball before you can play it.  Ready position, push off, and proper foot work. 
  • Extension: 
    • 1.  Require three hits to score. 
    • 2.  Lengthen the court. 
  • Simplification: 
    • 1.  Allow the ball to bounce once on each side. 
    • 2.  Decrease the length of the court.