Organizational Strategies
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1)  Equipment:

· Must be out of reach of students and contained with in a barrier such as a hoola hoop.
· Must be an adequate amount for class size ( ex. ideally enough for one ball per student)
· Safety is the most important issue regarding equipment. Make sure that equipment is regularly maintained and checked for faults and is kept out of view of students when not part of the lesson.
· Strict guidelines must be in place regarding when students get out equipment and how to do so properly.

2)  Teaching Space:

· Teachers should best use all of the working space available.
· It is very important to use space when appropriate. When giving crucial rules or tactics it may be wise to have students in close proximity to the teacher
· Have the students facing away from distractions, take them away from loud or noisy areas
· Have a defined area where students meet for the beginning of the lesson

3)  Support Materials:

· Task Cards:  These can be cues for specifics skills or pictures of the proper progressions for a skill. Task cards can be a quick and useful reference for students to use.
· Posters: Posters can be used in a very similar manner as the task cards. It can be a project for students to create and then use in PE classes.
· Videos: Videos can be one of the most beneficial teaching tools for teachers today. When I student can see visually, themselves performing a skill they are to see exactly what they are doing correctly and what they need to work on. There is no way that  a student can deny what they are doing correctly  and incorrectly within a skill.
· Adaptive Equipment: Using various types of adaptive equipment for persons with disabilities will help to enhance the learning experience for all learners. Things such as a brightly colored volleyball for a student who may be visually impaired will allow this student to enjoy and learn volley just as much as the rest of the class.
