Wrestling Resources
A: Warm-up drills

B:  Situation drills

C:  Scrimmage drills

D: Game drills


Wrestling Moves

Feb 25, 2003.  
Materials presented by Doug Tate.  Editing and presentation of resources by Tim Hopper - School of PE, University of Victoria.

D.        Game Drills: Those are really best described as combative games. They are all designed to be competitive and fun while also emphasizing proper body movement as needed in wrestling. They are quite valuable for developing team moral, competitive attitudes and physical fitness. They are also excellent introductory activities to use as a lead up to actual scrimmage wrestling.




1.      Arm Wrestling: This is basically the same as any form of arm wrestling. The competitors lie on their stomachs facing each other with their right or left arms ready to wrestle. They hook the fingers of their free hands together between the elbows of the competing arms. The free arms remain flat on the mat while the competing hands grip each other around the base of each others thumbs. The wrestlers then begin arm wrestling trying to force the back of their opponents hand to touch their other arm which is hooked to their opponents free arm and stationery on the mat. The winner is the wrestlers who force his opponents hand to touch his free arm.




2.      Leg Wrestling: The two wrestlers lie on their back, side by side, with heads pointing in opposite directions. The nearest arms are joined. On a signal each student raises the leg nearest the opponent. This is done three times together, “One”, “two”, “three”. The third time each player hooks his inside leg with the inside leg of his opponent and attempts to turn him over by pulling down with his leg after he has hooked his opponent’s leg. The winner is the wrestlers who pulls the other over.




3.      Hand Wrestling: Students clasp right hands and stand with right foot advanced and with the outside of the right foot against the outside of their opponent’s right foot. The students then pull, push and twist  their right arms trying to get their opponent off balance and force him to step with either foot. The winner is the wrestler who forces his opponents to take a step to keep his balance.




4.      Turn Turtle: The wrestlers are all paired with partners. The bottom wrestler is on his hands and knees sitting heavy like a turtle. The other partner is standing over him and on a signal has 10 seconds to try and turn him over. If he does he has turned the turtle.




5.      Brand the Calf: The wrestlers are again all paired with partners. One partner attempts to hold his partner on his hands and knees for 10 seconds, while that partner tries to get away. If the top partner holds him down for 10 seconds he has branded the calf.




6.      Duck Fight: This is also the same as “Chicken” or  “Rooster” fighting except the wrestlers are in a full squat position, grasping their ankles with both hands.




7.      Ditch Tug: The wrestlers assemble in two teams, facing each other, each on opposite sides of a line on the mat or floor. On a signal, members of each team reach over the line and try to pull members of he opposite team over the line. A wrestler is over the line when he is touching the floor on the far side of the line with any body part and not touching the floor on his own side of the line. Any number of team members on one side of the line may combine against one opponent or pull on a teammate who is being pulled over the line.  Whence man is pulled over the line he leaves the game. The game continues until either all the team members or one team are eliminated or a time limit is reached. The winning team is the team with the most participants left.




8.      Clear the Fort: The class or team is divided into two teams and each team is placed at opposite edges of the mat. The wrestlers on one team are told to construct a secure, impregnable fort out of their bodies by grabbing, hooking, and holding their bodies tightly together. On a signal the other team sprints across the mat and attempts to dismantle the fort by pulling bodies from it and dragging them back to their edge of the mat. Once a wrestler has been dragged across the mat he cannot go back to this fort. This continues until the fort has been completely dismantled, and all wrestlers dragged to the other edge. The other team then makes a fort and tries to hold their for intact longer than their opponents did. The winning team is the tam which holds their fort intact the longest according to the coaches time.




9.      Storm the Fort: The wrestlers are divided into two teams and placed equal distances form a 10 foot circle. On a signal, the two teams storm the circle trying to get as many members into the circle as possible within the time limit. The coach blows a whistle when time is up and counts to see which team has the most members in the fort.




10. Pin the King: The wrestlers or students are divided into two teams and each team assembles at opposite ends of the mat. Each team is composed of the mat. Each team is composed of one king and the rest soldiers. The game starts on a signal and each team tries to get tot he king of the other team and pin him. Soldiers can either attack the other king or protect their own king. A soldier is eliminated if his back is exposed to the mat. Those soldiers eliminated become referees. The game continues until one king is pinned. The kings must remain at their end of the mat through the game.




11. Bull in the Ring: The wrestlers are assembled in a circle with hands locked together. One wrestler is picked to be the bull in the center of the circle. The bull tries to break his way out of the circle by charging the locked hands until he breaks out. Once the bull breaks out all those in the circle join in pursuit until one catches the bull. The catcher then becomes the bull in the circle and the old bull joins the circle.




12. Bear in the Ring: This is operated exactly as “Bull in the Ring” but the bear is allowed to not only break through the hands but also climb over or crawl under them or dive between the legs, etc.




13. Retrieve: Wrestlers are divided into two groups and place at opposite sides of the mat. They are numbered at each side of the mat. A medicine ball is placed in the center of the mat and when a number is called the two who have that number crawl out on their hands and knees and try to crawl back to their own side with the ball. The winning team is the team that brings the ball back to their side the most times.




14. Push Ball: The wrestlers are put in two teams with one at each edge of the mat and a medicine ball is placed in the middle. On a signal, the teams crawl forward on hands and knees trying to push the ball across the other team’s end line. The team that scores the most goals in a time limit or the first team to score a certain number of goals is declared the winner.




15. Pull Ball: this game is the same as Push ball but the players are in a back crab position and must pull the ball across their own line by hooking with their legs.