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Problem Solving: examples for Chapter 2

The four problem-solving steps we use are:

  • READ the question carefully and actively
  • PLAN your approach
  • SOLVE the problem
  • CHECK your answer

The examples below are solutions to questions at the end of Chapter 2 (Periodic Properties) in your lecture book. Don't think that just studying these problems is sufficient preparation! They represent a small sampling only. You should also try problems from MasteringChemistry, especially the tutorial examples. Old exam papers are another useful source of problems.

Before watching the model answers, try the questions first yourself. When you get stuck, play the movie as far as you need to get going again. The end of each movie reveals the complete model answer, so you can also just skip to the end to find out if you were correct.

1. Electron Screening | 2. Electronic Configuration I | 3. Electronic Configuration II | 4. Electronic Configuration III | 5. Electronic Configuration IV | 6. Effective Nuclear Charge | 7. The Periodic Table I | 8. The Periodic Table II | 9. Periodic Properties


Problem 1 - Electron Screening


Problem 2 - Electronic Configuration I


Problem 3 - Electronic Configuration II


Problem 4 - Electronic Configuration III


Problem 5 - Electronic Configuration IV


Problem 6 - Effective Nuclear Charge


Problem 7 - The Periodic Table I


Problem 8 - The Periodic Table II


Problem 9 - Periodic Properties

© Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria. Updated 20 June, 2013.