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Precalculus Review Materials

Section 2.4 Reciprocal Exponents

For a positive integer \(n\text{,}\) a real number \(y\) is an \(n\)-th root of \(x\) if \(y^n=x\text{.}\)
If \(n\) is odd, every real number \(x\) has exactly one \(n\)-th root.
If \(n\) is even, a real number \(x\) has no \(n\)-th root when \(x\lt 0\text{,}\) exactly one \(n\)-th root when \(x=0\text{,}\) and exactly two \(n\)-th roots when \(x>0\text{.}\) If \(x\) has two \(n\)-th roots, one is positive and the other is its negative.
The symbol \(\sqrt[n]{x}\) is defined to be the \(n\)-th root of \(x\) when \(n\) is odd, or the non-negative \(n\)-th root of \(x\text{,}\) if one exists, when \(n\) is even.
Notice that if \(n\) is odd, \(\sqrt[n]{x}\) exists and has the same sign as \(x\text{.}\)
  • \(\displaystyle \sqrt[3]{64} = 4\)
  • \(\displaystyle \sqrt[3]{-64} = -4\)
  • \(\displaystyle \sqrt[2]{64} = 8\)
  • \(\displaystyle -\sqrt[2]{64} = (-1) \sqrt[2]{64} =-8\)
  • \(\displaystyle \sqrt[2]{-64} \text{ is not defined. }\)
The expression \(x^\frac{1}{n}\) is just another way of writing \(\sqrt[n]{x}\text{.}\) Notice that if \(x^\frac{1}{n}\) is defined, then \(\left(x^\frac{1}{n}\right)^n=x\text{.}\)
If \(n\) is even and \(x\) is non-negative, then \((x^n)^\frac{1}{n} = x\text{,}\) because \(x^n\) is non-negative and \((x^n)^\frac{1}{n}\) is the non-negative \(n\)-th root of \(x^n\text{.}\) If \(n\) is even and \(x\) is negative, then \(x^n\) is positive, so that \((x^n)^\frac{1}{n}=\mid x \mid\text{.}\)
For example \(((-3)^2)^\frac{1}{2}= 9^\frac{1}{2}=3\text{.}\) Notice that, in this case, the expression \(\left((-3)^\frac{1}{2}\right)^2\) does not make sense because \((-3)^\frac{1}{2}\) is not defined.
When \(n\) is odd, \(x^n\) has the same sign as \(x\text{,}\) so that \((x^n)^\frac{1}{n}\) also has the same sign as \(x\text{.}\) Therefore \((x^n)^\frac{1}{n}=x\text{.}\) For example \(((-3)^3)^{\frac{1}{3}} = (-27)^{\frac{1}{3}}=-3\) and, since \((-3)^{\frac{1}{3}}\) is defined, \(\left((-3)^\frac{1}{3}\right)^3=-3\text{.}\)
Find \(x\) if \(x^\frac{1}{4} = \frac{3}{2}\text{.}\)
Since \(x^\frac{1}{4} = \frac{3}{2}\text{,}\) we know that
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} x &= \left(x^\frac{1}{4}\right)^4 \\ &= \left(\frac{3}{2}\right)^4 \\ &= \frac{3^4}{2^4} \\ &= \frac{81}{16} \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
Find \(x\) if \(x^\frac{1}{3} = \left(\frac{5}{4}\right)^\frac{1}{7}\text{.}\)
Since \(x^\frac{1}{3} = \left(\frac{5}{4}\right)^\frac{1}{7}\text{,}\) we know that
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} x &= \left(x^\frac{1}{3}\right)^{3} \\ &= \left(\left(\frac{5}{4}\right)^\frac{1}{7}\right)^{3} \\ &= \left(\sqrt[7]{\frac{5}{4}}\right)^{3} \\ &= \sqrt[7]{\frac{125}{64}} \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

Exercises Practice Problems

In questions 1 - 5, use the rules of exponents to find an expression equivalent to the given expression.






\(\frac{ n^{1/18}} { m^{1/12}}\)


Find \(x\) if \(x^\frac{1}{5} = \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^\frac{1}{2}\text{.}\)
\(\sqrt{\frac{32}{243}} = \frac{4}{9}\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\)