This unit was originally designed for
Grade level: 8
Number of students: 27
    Males: 14
    Females: 13
Skill level: beginner
Class duration: 42 minutes
Space available: Two full volleyball courts
Equipment: 30 volleyballs
                     50 cones
                     2 volleyball nets
Designed & Format
How to use the site
To navigate through our lesson plans and the specific tasks within them, first click on the lesson heading.  Each lesson heading will take you to a blog page listing the goal of the lesson (in the form of a tactical question) and the tasks designed to achieve that goal.  To get into a page simply click on the “Read more...” link at the bottom of the excerpt.  Once on the task page, you can navigate to other tasks within the lesson by clicking Previous or Next at the bottom of the page.
The headers will also to link you to support information for the unit.  Included is our rationale for the unit’s design, a breakdown of two on-the-ball skills, our assessment strategy and other materials that support our content decisions.