•	Clear instructions on the initial day will be laid out on: how to set up the nets, where to place cones and what equipment to administer. 
•	The balls will be taken out at the time of need and clear instructions on when to use them. 
•	Use of a whistle or voice will mean to hold balls, this will enable focus and discipline early. 
•	Students will be instructed to place all the equipment safely in the bin at the end of lesson. 
•	Safely putting away the volleyball nets will also be the duty of the students, those who misbehave could be targeted for clean-up duty, otherwise a schedule will rotate weekly. 

•	Net set-up, if necessary, is to be done immediately following strip change.  Strip check will be used to check class attendance.
•	Instructions are given after equipment has been set up, with the class focused and seated in the gym.
•	The class will be controlled by a whistle. Once the whistle has been blown the students will stop immediately and control the equipment. 
•	A review will immediately follow the lesson, giving students time to ask questions and engage the teacher on what was learned. 
•	Groups can be teacher administered or student enabled. This is totally dependent on the class and their behavior.
•	Students may play games to get into the required groups, such as a game of Monarch where teams move around the gym and switch partners based on wins and losses.  Another example of group formation may be a game of rock, paper, scissors against a chosen partner and then be made to move into different groups based on whether they won or lost. 
•	All students must bring the appropriate PE strip. If not they will be issued a set from a strip box that is cleaned weekly.  However, the loss of participation marks may occur. 
•	Students must receive permission from the teacher before using the bathroom during class time.
•	Food, including gum, and beverages are not to be consumed during lesson at any time.
•	Failure to listen to tasks and instructions will be followed by action that is at the teachers discretion.
•	Students with behavior problems may be sent to administration.
•	All of these rules will be clearly laid out on a contract at the beginning of the lesson to reflect back on.
Managerial Routines