On-the-Ball Skills
    Biomechanical skill phases for the forearm and overhead pass
Preparatory Phase
    - Determine ball location
    - Stable body position
    - Knees bent, facing forward
    - Forward at hips
    - Begin to form platform
Wind Up Phase
    - Deep knee bend
    - Form stable platform
    - Bent forward at hips
Force Generation Phase
    - Extend legs
    - Maintain solid platform
        Arms do not swing!
    - Straighten back
Follow Through
    - Legs finish extending
    - Arms continue upwards
    - Step out of the movement
        in direction of the ball
Forearm Pass
Overhead Pass
Preparatory Phase
    - Determine ball location
    - Stable body position
    - Dominant foot slightly forward
    - Feet shoulder width apart
    - Brings arms to center of body
    - Bend at elbows
Wind Up Phase
    - Deep knee bend
    - “Triangle” at top of head
            Thumbs inward
    - Slight bend at waist
Force Generation Phase
    - Extend legs
    - Maintain solid platform
        Arms do not swing!
    - Straighten back
Follow Through
    - Arms extend upwards and
        forwards with the pass
    - Final extension of legs
    - Step out in direction of ball
Colton’s Cue:
Visual cues, such as “make antlers”, can be effective for describing specific techniques like the overhead pass hand position.
Sources - Class Lectures
    Paul Smith (2006, 2007).
    Tim Hopper (2007).