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The PhD program in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria culminates with research leading to a dissertation. Based on their background and interests students design their own programs in consultation with their supervisor, although all students' programs include the following components:

The PhD program requires at least 9 units of course work, plus the dissertation, for a total of 30 units.

Course Requirements

  • LING 601 and LING 602, (1.5 units each)
  • Other courses are determined jointly by a student and the supervisor.
  • Students without the equivalents of LING 503 or LING 505 in their previous program will have these courses added to their requirements.

Candidacy Exam (LING 693)
The candidacy requirement must be satisfied within two years of registration in the doctoral program (see "Faculty Academic Regulations"). The candidacy examination consists of two substantial, original research papers, one in the area of phonological or syntactic theory, understood broadly, and the other in an area agreed to by the student and the supervisor.

Language Requirement
The departmental language requirement for PhD students is intended to prepare students for their research program by ensuring that they have the ability to read linguistic literature in, or have sound knowledge of, two languages other than English. Ideally, students must choose languages relevant for their research, in consultation with their supervisor, to satisfy this requirement. See the Graduate Brochure for details.

After attaining candidacy, students will present and defend a dissertation proposal typically developed in LING 690. The dissertation is normally awarded 18 units of credit. Students must defend their dissertation orally as part of program requirements (see "Faculty Academic Regulations").

Program Length
Normally, students are expected to complete the program in three to five years.

For more information about the program please click here to view our Graduate brochure.