Chem 590

Course coordinator
1. Structure-based inhibitor design
2. Magnetism
3. Mass spectrometry
4. EPR spectroscopy
5. Heteronuclear NMR
6. Metals in organic synthesis
7. X-ray crystallography
8. Practical computer programming for chemists

Practical computer programming for chemists

Instructor: Dennis Hore

Webpage for this module

Content: This module is designed to be a self-contained hands-on introduction to writing simple-yet-powerful computer programs that are immediately useful to chemistry grad students. As an example, imagine wanting to make a plot from dozens of UV-vis, mass spec, or NMR spectra ... or a plot of every fifth data point from columns 1 and 5 ... or flipping the direction of an axis. If these tasks involve many repetitive steps or a large amount of data, using a spreadsheet is a real pain. In this module, you'll learn how to write tiny programs to automate such processes. The content will cater to experimentalists who collect data. No previous experience required. See the webpage for more details.

Delivery: Eight 1-hour lectures. All classes will be in the Spring 2008 term. Start date and scheduling will be determined by consultation with students who have signed up for this module.

Assessment: Eight problem sets (one per week). This is designed to be hands-on, so the exercises will be the most valuable part.

© JS McIndoe, Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria. Updated 15 August, 2007.