Games Performance Assessment Instrument for Invasion Games

Class:					Date:			

Assessor:				Player 1:				Player 2:			

Select one player from each team:  When that team has the ball you assess your chosen player.
Scoring Key
“” - Excellent, always performed well.
“” - Usually effective, mostly did well.
“o”  - Has potential, needs more work but getting idea
“X” - Not effective, rarely or never did well.
Components and Criteria
•	Skill execution for Soccer
♣	Receive: player is (a) bending knees in ready position, (b) cushioning the ball to trap it
♣	Sending: player is (a) putting their non-kicking foot beside ball for other foot to swing, 
(b) using kicking foot appropriately when contact is made, returning to a balanced stance
•	DECISION - Player attempts to pass to open teammate and/or pass to goal-taker when appropriate
•	BASE - Recovery position. – knees bent and head up, reading and ready to react.
•	SUPPORT - Player supports the ball carrier by being in or moving to an appropriate position to receive a pass (finding space).

Player 1 - Name:				Team Color:		

Session                               Skill Execution    Decision  Base  Support
Receive Send

Player 2 - Name:				Team Color:		

Session                               Skill Execution    Decision  Base  Support
Receive Send

Games Performance Assessment Instrument for Invasion Games

Class:	PE310				Date:	Oct 15		

Assessor:	Tim Hopper		Player 1:	Jane			Player 2:	Tom		

Select one player from each team:  When that team has the ball you assess your chosen player.
Scoring Key
“” - Excellent, always performed well.
“” - Usually effective, mostly did well.
“x”  - Has potential, needs more work but getting idea
“X” - Not effective, rarely or never did well.
Components and Criteria
•	Skill execution for Soccer
♣	Receive: player is (a) bending knees in ready position, (b) cushioning the ball to trap it
♣	Sending: player is (a) putting their non-kicking foot beside ball for other foot to swing, 
(b) using kicking foot appropriately when contact is made, returning to a balanced stance
•	DECISION - Player attempts to pass to open teammate and/or pass to goal-taker when appropriate
•	BASE - Recovery position. – knees bent and head up, reading and ready to react.
•	SUPPORT - Player supports the ball carrier by being in or moving to an appropriate position to receive a pass (finding space).

Player 1 - Name:	Jane			Team Color:	Blue	

Session                               Skill Execution    Decision  Base  Support
Receive Send

Player 2 - Name:		Tom		Team Color:	Green	

Session                               Skill Execution    Decision  Base  Support
Receive Send

Soccer Quiz

1) T or F	Keeping your body between the defender and the ball is a good way to help maintain possession of the ball.

2) T or F	After passing the ball it is important to remain still so that you don’t crowd the receiver.

3) T or F	When dribbling the ball it is a good idea to kick the ball way out in front of you so that the defender has to try and chase after it. 

4) T or F	When offering support to the ball carrier it is important to maintain a ‘V’ formation.

5)	Two ways of creating space by avoiding your defender are changing direction and changing direction.

6)	A game of soccer is split up into
	a) Halves	b) Quarters	c) Sets	d) Periods

7)	How many players can be on the field for any one team at a time? 11

8) T or F	As long as they are within the five yard box any player on the field is aloud to use their hands to pick up the ball.

9)	The best part of the foot to use to make a controlled pass to a teammate is?
	a) your toe	b) your instep	c) your heel	d) grab the ball and throw it

10) T or F	When clearing the ball from your own end it is safer to kick the ball up the sideline instead of across the front of your net.		

Twice during the course of a unit students will be asked by the teacher on a randomly selected day to fill out a self evaluation form. The purpose of having the evaluations handed out randomly is to ensure that the students will not be aware of when they will be required to fill out a self-evaluation sheet. Hopefully this will provide the students with the incentive to participate fully in every class. After the teacher receives all the self-evaluation sheets from the students, the teacher should go over them to see if their view of the student’s participation concurs with the students. Students should understand that they will also receive a mark from the teacher on their ability to properly evaluate themselves. This will hopefully compel the students to be honest and accurate when filling out their self-evaluation sheets.  
Name of Student :                              .

Student Self- Evaluation Mark		Student Comments 
(why you deserve this mark, feedback on unit)

On a scale of 1-5
 I deserve a …

for my participation 
effort in today’s class.