Lesson 2
Introductory task/game : Dribble-Chase
Description of game : In partners, one partner dribbles ball in front while other partner follows behind without a ball.
Aim : Partner with ball is trying to lose his partner by changing pace and direction while maintaining control of the ball.
Structure : Entire class plays inside a large area marked out by cones or by lines on the gym floor.
Rules : No body contact, keep control of the ball, dribbling only - cannot kick the ball ahead of you.
Key tactical and skill application : Identifying the use of change of speed and direction to lose your check and to create space in an attack while maintaining possession of the ball.
Skill/Concept development tasks/games :
Passing and Receiving
Description of task : Cones are set up in a rectangle, pass to space to lead your partner to receive a pass.
Aim : To pass and receive a pass with control
Structure : Students split into pairs and pass back and forth between two sets of cones
Key tactical and skill application : improve passing and receiving while encouraging students to pass to space and move to receive a pass.
Culminating Game:
Modified End Ball
Aim : To pass the ball into opponents end zone in order to score.
Structure : Students are divided into two teams. Game is played in an area marked by cones or lines on the gym floor.
Rules : Player in possession of the ball cannot move. Defensive players are not allowed to strip the ball from offensive players but may intercept a pass. If the ball is intercepted it results in a loss of possession and the other team gets the ball. Make rule adjustments regarding game play as necessary.
Key tactical and skill application :  To invade the opponents territory in order to score. Make use of support and space during attack.