Introductory task/game :
1)Keep Away
Description of game : In partners, one with ball and one without. Try to keep the ball away from your partner or try to gain possession of the ball by trying to take it away from your partner
Aim : To maintain possession of the ball without tripping over it!  
Structure : Class is in a designated area
Rules : NO body contact, must maintain control of the ball - cannot kick it ahead of you and chase after it
Key tactical and skill application : Using change of pace and direction to lose your check, maintaining possession of the ball and defending space
Skill/Concept development tasks/games :
1 V 1
Description of task : Play ball to attacker, close down quickly slowing down as you approach attacker staying at arms length from attacker
Aim : To enforce proper body positioning and movements on defense
Structure : Partners stand facing each other, one on the 18 yard line and one on the end line. One partner passes to the other and then closes down on them while partner receiving the pass tries to dribble past them.
Key tactical and skill application : Defending space, defending the goal, and defending the ball
Culminating Game:
Mini Soccer
Aim : To invade opponents space and score a goal in either of the two nets.
Structure : Area of play would be roughly 50’ x 70’, with two goals on each side marked out by cones.
Rules : Students are allowed to score on any of the opponents two goals. Modifications to rules such as number of passes, number of balls being used at a time and the size of the field of play can be modified at any time during the game as instructor sees fit
Key tactical and skill application : To get students to put together the ideas learned on defense defend the goal and space. To allow students an opportunity to put offensive skills into play, using change of pace and direction to create space on the attack.
Lesson 3