Block plan-Basket unit
Lesson 1 (Passing)
Tactical Problem: Passing to team-mates by moving into space and retaining possession. From content analysis
Lesson focus: Passing and moving into space to receive a pass. 
Skill objective: Execute all three passes; chest, bounce and over-head pass. 
Warm up (Tail tag)
This activity will emphasize the importance of moving into space to elude defenders, which is an offensive tactic to avoid defenders.

1.	Walking 
2.	Jogging
3.	Running 

Skill Development-Concept 1 
(Monkey in the middle) 
The purpose of this activity is to move into space to receive a pass and maintain ball possession from the defender.

1.	Bean bag to start, defender is passive.
2.	Implement basketball defender is passive
3.	Defender is aggressive. 
4.	Change the sequence of the pass. Ex. Chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass.

Skill Development-Concept 2 (Shark)
The objective of this activity is too move into space to elude your defender and receive a pass. 

1.	Defender is passive, offensive player exaggerates v cut and l cut.
2.	Defender is aggressive, stationary passer needs to make appropriate decisions.
3.	Offensive player receives the ball; he must pass the ball back to the stationary player to receive a point.

Culminating Activity (End ball) 
The objective of this activity to attack opponent territory in order to score.

1.	4-3 situations in the offensive zone to develop skill. 
2.	Players must perform two dribbles before executing a pass. 
3.	4-4 situations at all times.

Lesson 2 (Dribbling)
Tactical Problem Elude defenders by dribbling into space and maintain ball control. 
From content analysis

Lesson focus: Dribbling 
Skill objective: Keep ball control when dribbling by moving various directions and speeds
Skill Development- Concept 1
(Red light, Yellow light, Green light)
The objective of this drill is to improve dribbling in various settings and improve utilizing both hands and keeping the ball under control.

1.	Start by dribbling only with right hand.
2.	Dribble only with left hand.
3.	Dribble with both hands.
4.	Implement direction. Ex. “Yellow left”, dribble by walking to your left.
5. Students have to attempt to dribble through their legs.

Skill Development- Concept 2
(Obstacle Dribbling)
The objective of this drill is to ensure students are dribbling with the appropriate hand when moving into different directions. 

1.	Once students change directions they will attempt a cross over.
2.	Once students change directions they will attempt to position the ball through their legs.
3.	Once students change directions they will attempt to place the ball behind their back.

Culminating Activity
(Batman and Robin)
The objective of this game is to move into space and protect your ball. In a game situation you must be able to execute by dealing with various stimulus.
1.	Students can only dribble with right hand.
2.	Students can only dribble with left hand.
3.	Student is chosen as a defender to check other opponents.

Lesson 3(Shooting)
Tactical Problem: Perform a shot with defensive pressure by moving into space.
From content analysis

Lesson focus: Set shot and progress to jump shot
Skill objective:  Execute a set and jump shot from various high percentages areas on the floor. 
Warm up
(Simon Says)
The objective of this warm-up is to work on the fundamentals of the jump shot and work on moving into space to elude opponents.

1.	Students will begin with no object.
2.	Students will be given a basketball 
(no dribble).
3. Student will dribble and stop on command and execute progression. 

Skill Development- Concept 1
(Spot Shooting)
The objective of this drill is to work on the fundamentals of the jump shot in a controlled setting. Proper mechanics will be a focal point. 
1.	Students will begin from the ride side of the perimeter (right hand dribble). 
2.	Students will switch to the left side of the perimeter (left hand dribble). 
3.	Increase the distance of the jump shot.

Skill Development- Concept 2
Shooting under pressure
The objective of this drill is taking a jump shot under pressure and to move into space to generate a solid scoring opportunity. 

1.	Defender is passive
2.	Drill can be converted into 2-1 situation.
3.	Offensive player must work on driving to the left and right.
4.	Defender is aggressive

Culminating Activity
Continuous 3 on 3
The objective of this drill is to culminate and execute all skills by taking advantage of the open space to create offensive opportunities. 
1.	If ability is low, drill can be transferred to 
3-2 situation.
2. Defenders are passive to allow the offense to generate offensive opportunities. 
3. Defenders are aggressive.
4. Manipulate skills. Ex. Only score by jump shot, everyone must touch the ball before shooting, chess pass only. 

Lesson 4 (Lay-ups)

Tactical Problem: Executing a lay-up with defensive pressure. 
From content analysis

Lesson focus: lay-up 

Skill objective: Execute a lay-up from the left and right driving lanes.

Warm up
(Freeze Tag)
The objective of this drill is to elude defenders in a fast break scenario and execute the proper footwork of a left or right handed lay-up.

1. Increase or decrease size of the grit
2. Begin with the footwork execution of the right hand lay-up.
3. Progress to the footwork execution of the left hand lay-up. 

Skill Development- Concept 1
(2 line lay-up drill)
The objective of this drill is to work on executing lay-ups from the left and right hand side and work on rebounding. 

1. Start with the right handed lay-up at a slow pace to exaggerate the footwork. 
2. Increase the speed at comfortable pace.
3. Progress to the left handed lay-up at a slow pace. 
4. Increase the speed to execute lay-up 
5. Rebounder can applies defensive pressure. 

Culminating Activity Speed lay-ups
The objective of this drill is to execute a lay-up in a fast sequence with proper footwork and precision. Progressions will be manipulated i.e., performing left hand lay-up and implementing a defender.

1. Start by performing  a right hand lay-up.
2. Add a passive defender/ progress to aggressive defender.
3. Progress to a left hand lay-up.
4. Add a passive defender/ progress to aggressive defender.
5. Decrease or increase speed when driving to the basket depending on skill ability.
