Lesson 2 (Dribbling)
Learning Outcomes of Lesson 2 -	Elude defenders by dribbling into space.
-	Keep good ball control when dribbling.
-	Move various directions and speeds when dribbling with the ball. 
-	Utilize both hands when dribbling.
EQUIPMENT: 12 cones, 30 basketballs and 1 red shirt. Warm up
Octopus aim...
1.	One student will be chosen as the octopus.
2.	Students must avoid the octopus and reach the opposite side of the gym (safety zone). 
3.	If a student gets tagged by the octopus they become an octopus but only can move in a stationary position (pivot foot). 

The objective of this activity is to elude the defender (octopus) by using various speeds and directions.

Teacher Points
1.	Keeping the ball under control is an effective way to maintain possession. 
2.	When switching directions dribble with the appropriate hand. 
3.	Ex. dribbling to the left, use your left hand.
4.	Move forward when dribbling and make quick cuts to elude defender.
-The boundaries of this activity will take place in a half court setting. The safety zone will be marked with 2 cones and there will be space provided between the wall the safety zone. 
-The octopus will always start in the middle and can move in any direction, but must restart in the middle once the students reach the safety zone. Skill Development- Concept 2
Obstacle Dribbling aim...
1.	Student will be given a ball and be placed in an obstacle positioned by cones.
2.	The cones will exaggerate movement to the left and to the right. 
3.	Once the students finish the obstacle course they will attempt a jump shot utilizing the backboard.

The objective of this drill is to ensure students are dribbling with the appropriate hand when moving into different directions. 

1.	Once students change directions they will attempt a cross over.
2.	Once students change directions they will attempt to position the ball through their legs.
3.	Once students change directions they will attempt to place the ball behind their back.

Teaching Points
1.	It’s important to use the appropriate hand when moving into a specific direction to protect the ball from your opponent.
2.	Implementing different skills when dribbling is affective way to avoid your defender.
3.	Working on moving into different directions is effective way to utilize space.

-Students will be placed in 6 groups of 5. 
-There are 6 basketball hoops positioned in the gym and at each hoop there will be an obstacle course positioned. 
-Each group will be given two balls, to minimize foul play. The obstacle course will be designed of 6 cones. Skill Development- Concept 1
Red light, Yellow light, Green light aim..
1.	Each students starts on the baseline with a ball.
2.	Teacher provides cues by shouting out red, yellow or green light. 
3.	Red ( student dribbles on the spot), yellow  
(student dribbles walking), and green (student dribbles on the run). 

The objective of this drill is to improve dribbling in various settings and improve utilizing both hands and keeping the ball under control.

1.	Start by dribbling only with right hand.
2.	Dribble only with left hand.
3.	Dribble with both hands.
4.	Implement direction. Ex. “Yellow left”, dribble by walking to your left.
5. Students have to attempt to dribble through their legs.

Teaching Points 
1.	Keep your head up when dribbling and stay in an athletic body position to keep control of the ball. 
2.	Cradle the ball with your hand when dribbling which allows for a smooth transition.
3.	When switching directions dribble with the appropriate hand. 

-The boundaries for this task will take place by using the whole facility to maximize space. 
Each student will be given a ball and be positioned on the baseline to start. 
-Once students reach the baseline they must stop until the teacher commands the students to precede to the next sequence. Culminating Activity
Batman and Robin aim...
1.	Each student receives a ball and is placed into grit. 
2.	Students dribble around the grit and attempt to check other opponents by protecting their own ball.
3.	Once the ball is positioned outside the grit, students are eliminated and start playing a new game in different grit. 

The objective of this game is to move into space and protect your ball. In a game situation you must be able to execute by dealing with various stimulus.
1.	Students can only dribble with right hand.
2.	Students can only dribble with left hand.
3.	Student is chosen as a defender to check other opponents. 

Teaching Points
1.	Use a guard hand when dribbling to protect the ball. 
2.	When dribbling be aware of other opponents, keep your head up.
3.	Move into space to avoid opponents.
4.	It’s important to make cuts and switch speeds to elude your defenders.

-Students will be split into two grits. 15 players will be positioned in one area. There will be third grit positioned for students who are eliminated. 
-The area of the grits will be marked with cones and once the students are eliminated from the third grit they will act as defenders in the ongoing games.