Lesson 1 (Passing)
Warm up
Tail Tag aim...
1.	Students will be paired into groups and be given a flag, which will be positioned on their posterior waistline.
2.	Each group will follow their partner and mimic his moves to capture his flag.
3.	Once the flag has been captured, the pair will reverse roles.

This activity will emphasize the importance of moving into space to elude defenders, which is an offensive tactic to avoid defenders.

1.	Walking 
2.	Jogging
3.	Running 

Teaching Points
1.	Change of speed and direction is the most efficient way to avoid your partner to move into space.
2.	Unified speed is predictable to your defender; you must execute quick change of speeds. 
3.	L cut and V cut are efficient ways to avoid your defender. 

-The boundaries of this activity will take place in the basketball court. 
-Students will be paired with a partner. Skill Development-Concept 1 Monkey in the Middle Learning Outcomes of lesson 1
-Elude you’re opponent by moving into space.
-Implement various speed patterns and moving into different directions to receive a pass.
Equipment: 7 Bean bags, 15 basketball, 28 cones and 30 flags
Skill Development-Concept 2
Shark. aim...
1.	Students will be paired into 10 groups of 3. one stationary passer, one offensive player and one defensive player in a square grit.
2.	The offensive player needs to move into space to receive the pass.
3.	 One point is rewarded to the defense or offensive player if they receive the pass. First opponent up to three wins, switch roles. 

1.	Defender is passive, offensive player exaggerates v cut and l cut.
2.	Defender is aggressive, stationary passer needs to make appropriate decisions.
3.	Offensive player receives the ball; he must pass the ball back to the stationary player to receive a point. 

Teaching Points
1.	Offensive player needs to move into space to receive pass. 
2.	Stationary passer needs to decide which pass is most effective to execute a pass.
3.	Defensive player needs to anticipate the pass to intercept and retain possession.
4.	Offensive player needs to provide a target when receiving the pass. 

-Group will set out the boundaries for their square formation. 
-The area of the square will depend on their skill ability

Culminating Game End Ball aim...
1.	Students will be placed into a team of  five
2.	There will be one goal taker for each team positioned between the pylons. 
3.	Score by passing the ball to the goal taker, but before a team engages in point, all players must have touched the ball. 

1.	4-3 situations in the offensive zone to develop skill. 
2.	Players must perform two dribbles before executing a pass. 
3.	4-4 situations at all times. 

Teaching Points
1.	Moving into space 
2.	Calling teammates names, work on communication
3.	Defensive players communicate to identify opposition. 
4.	Provide a target when receiving a pass.

There will be three games taking place, and each team will have five aside. There are three badminton courts available in the gym and the boundaries will be exaggerated by cones. 
1.	Students will be paired into 5 groups of 4 and 2 groups of 5. 
2.	Each group will be placed in a rectangle area and there will be one defender in the group of four and two defenders in the group of five.
3.	The offensive player has to move into space to receive the pass.

1.	Bean bag to start, defender is passive.
2.	Implement basketball defender is passive
3.	Defender is aggressive. 
4.	Change the sequence of the pass. Ex. Chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass. 

Teaching Points 
1.	Provide a target by keeping your hands up when receiving a pass.
2.	Communicate by calling out other names when initiating a pass. 
3.	Defender must be anticipating the pass to retrieve the ball. 
4.	Execute the proper pass in a specific situation. Ex. Defender is close, perform a bounce pass. 

-Group will set out the boundaries of their square formation.