Scope and sequence
  These lesson plans were created for a standard grade eight Physical Education class. Wide variability was present in terms of skill and behavior level. These lesson plans were created with a ‘big picture’ mindset. The psychomotor, cognitive, and social/affective domains developed can be transferred to other PE units as well as other aspects of the student’s life in general.

-Limited understanding of psychomotor skills: 
-Off-the-ball movements and on-the-ball skills:
-Limited ability on how to create and move into space
-Able to perform push pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass; ability decreases under pressure
-Able to dribble with strong hand, most unable to dribble with other hand -properly.
-Wide variability in shooting skills, average do not have proper technique in set shot
-Limited cognitive ability regarding: 
-Tactical awareness/decision making components; students unable to make appropriate decisions in game-like situations (where to pass ball)
-Cognitive stimulation throughout regarding a skill (critical thinking); Unable to break down a skill on own: (Shooting position: heel to toe, 90 degree angle of elbow, ball resting on fingertips, knees bent, non-shooting hand perpendicular to shooting hand).
-Average understand how to peer and self evaluate through written evaluations; however do not take into account elements such as improvement and good technique versus performance.
-Unable to critically reflect ie: what they learned in a written form, without prompting from teacher.
-Limited development of social/affective domain regarding: 
-personal social responsibility of materials 
- personal social responsibility of self
-personal social responsibility of others

Increased psychomotor ability:
-Ability to effectively create space in game-like situations
-Ability to perform push pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass under pressure
-Ability to dribble effectively with both hands, as well as use a variety of change of direction dribbles (behind the back, crossover, and through the legs).
-Everyone able to perform proper set shot on own as well as perform proper lay-up technique.
-Increased cognitive ability in:
- Tactical awareness components and the ability to make appropriate decisions: know where to pass ball under pressure.
- Able to explain the break down of skills on own ie: make sure bounce pass is bounced ¾ of way towards partner.
-Able to create fair and thorough peer and self evaluations for final grade; understand the importance of including improvement and technique in evaluations.
-Able to provide quality self reflection in learning journal without prompting.

-Increased ability in Social/Affective domain:
-Gained responsibility through equipment manager role; accountability for other’s materials. 
-Through ability to self evaluate; internal insight of self.
-Through ability to peer evaluate and learning to work with others, (by the continual switch of partners in this class).

TGfu Exit level
Objectives Entry level Objectives Lesson Plan Objectives