Serve Receive (Full Court)
Concept & Skill Development
This task has a high amount of student engagement and has students involved in a variety of different tasks.  Students must develop communication skills in order to determine who will receive the ball and who the target player is.  This drill improves their spatial awareness and ball control.
    On-the-ball skills
    Off-the-ball movements
        Movement in all directions
To receive the serve and accurately pass the ball to the setter in a target area.  
1.    Ball must be contacted before it bounces
2.    Passes must be received in the target area
3.    Always follow your pass (serve receive -> target -> server -> serve receive)
This skill can be introduced through a full class demonstration.  Ideally this task would be teacher-centered, and the teacher would remain in control of pacing by being the server.  However, in a large class the task would be student centered and could be introduced by running the class through a demonstration.  Then divide the class into two different groups and have them work on separate nets.
Possible Modifications
Allow players to catch the ball on serve receive, toss to themselves and then pass.
Allow players to toss the ball over the net if they are not ready to learn the underhand serve.
Questioning / Cues
How do you prevent confusion on the court? Communicate with your teammates so you know who is on the ball and where the pass is going.  
How do you defend your area? Get in your ready position, call for the ball - always make sure someone is going for it, know which skill to use.
Modified from Paul Smith class lesson.