BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson Volleyball unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.  Depending on the response of students this progression could be adapted.
Links on block plan go to task/game explanation including teaching points, organization, diagram and image or video clip.

Lesson 1
Tactical Problem
Keep the ball in the air 
Lesson focus:   Awareness of how to pass ball accurately in air 
Skill objective: Square up to face target, ready position, platform, driving throught ball with legs, accuracy of pass with proper amount of force generation. 
Introductory task/game
1. Partner Wall Bump - student alternates passing ball against wall with partner, depending on skill level a bounce can be added to task. 
2.  Aim to target (wall), relocate under partners pass off wall
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
    1.  Partner Continuous Bump 
    2.  Shuttle Bump
Culminating Game:   
Lesson 2
Tactical Problem
Being able to set-up an attack to score 
Lesson focus: Understanding how to score in the most effective manner 
Skill objective: Passing to setter, setter setting to attacker, attacker using approach and volleying into open space over the net 
Introductory task/game
1.  3 vs. 3, passer passes to setter, setter sets to attacker, attacker approaches and volleys into open space.  Can use one bounce to modify the game.
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1.  3 vs. 3 with play stopping after the attack 
2.  Set-up of attack with 3 players in open space in the gym.
Culminating Game: 
  • 3 vs. 3 continuous game
  • Space will extend or decrease
  • No spiking or blocking
Lesson 3
Tactical Problem
Setting up and attacking opponents side of court by hitting ball into empty space
Lesson focus:  - Awareness of how to perform spike approach
                      -  Understanding concept of force generation and accuracy of ball placement upon contact
Skill objective: - use proper spike approach to make contact with ball
                       - at peak of jump use arm prep and swing with follow through
Introductory task/game
 1.  Elimination Tag
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1.   with1 person holding ball, partner works on spike approach and arm swing
2.  with partner tossing ball contact using spike approach and hit ball down on ground in front of wall
Culminating Game:  3 vs. 3 modified v-ball
                              -  toss to opponents side begins rally
                              -  half courts - 3 players per team
                              -  use set for an attack and proper spiking technique
Lesson 4
Tactical Problem
 using knowledge of set-up for an attack, to be able to position oneself to block for an attack
Lesson focus: - being able to time block properly
                      - to be able to use the proper technique for blocking
Skill objective: - blocking
Introductory task/game
 1.  Bean Bag pick -up
 2.  Blocking warm-up
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1.  Wall Jump - spread fingers, jump and reach against the wall
2.  Block Game - toss ball over net, partner blocks ball
Culminating Game:   3 vs. 3 modified v-ball
                               - toss to opponents side of court
                               - half courts - 3 players per team
                               - proper use of block is emphasized and rewarded