Keep it Up
Modified from Hopper (2003).
Concept & Skill Development
In partners, students will work on their ball control and tactical awareness by playing a modified game form.  This game form requires students to consider the space available, the type of pass they want to use and the position of their opponent on the court.  
    On-the-ball skills
        Sending (forearm or overhead)
        Receiving (forearm or overhead)
    Off-the-ball movements
        Movement in all directions
        Side step
Students will set up a square and pass the ball within it.  Players will alternate hitting the ball so it lands within the square.  After every contact they must step outside the square.  If the ball lands outside the square or they can’t make a return, their opponent scores one.
Aim of the Game:
Score points by preventing your partner from returning your forearm or overhead pass.
1.    Ball must be hit above head height
2.    Players must leave the square after each contact
3.    Players must alternate contacts
This task can be introduced through a student and teacher demonstration.  Then students will find a space on the court and set up their own square.  Students should try to work with a partner of equal ability for this task.
Possible Modifications
Allow a catch and toss.
Allow more than one contact in a row.
Change the size of the playing area.
Change partners.
Questioning / Cues
How did you make it easier for yourself to get to the ball? Track your opponent’s movements, always stay in ready position.
Why did you have to leave the grid each time? So we would be constantly moving and hitting the ball higher.