Bibliography - Literature & Photography

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This page was last modified on March 24, 2010




Ibañez, Nuria. “La lona rota. Circo Aztlán”. Luna Córnea. 29 (2005):

Images de France. 1970. Entry from Google 2007.02.14.

Imboden, Connie and A.D. Coleman. Intr a)Uter(Us). Baltimore, MD: Gomez Gallery, 1998. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Imboden, Connie, Arthur Ollman and A.D. Coleman. Beauty of Darkness. New York ; San Francisco, CA: Custom & Limited Editions, 1999. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Imlah, Mick. “El baño del zoólogo”. Luna Córnea. 20 (2000): 68.

Impressions of California. 23 minutes and 20 seconds. 1969–70. Entry from Google 2007.02.12.

Imrie, Tim. Review, Nicaragua: June 1978—July 1979, by Susan Meiselas. The British Journal of Photography, 20Nov 1981: 1201-3.

Inktank (Group). Voiceprints. Alvechurch, Birmingham: Flarestack Pub, 2005. WorldCat 2006.11.21.

Isenberg, Noah, and Walter Benjamin. “The Work of Walter Benjamin in the Age of Information.” New German Critique.83, Special Issue on Walter Benjamin (2001): 119-50. JStor 2007.01.16.

Iturbe, Mercedes. “El eterno misterio del retrato” (Reseña). Luna Córnea. 3 (1993): 113-115.

---. “Los aromas dibujados del cuerpo”. Luna Córnea. 4 (1994): 52-56.

Iturbe, Mercedes, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, et al. Mexico-New York : Alvarez Bravo, Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans. 1st ed. Mexico; New York, N.Y: Editorial RM; Available through D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2003. WorldCat 2007.01.24.

Iturbide, Graciela. “Caminar, encadenar”. Luna Córnea. 15 (may-ago 1998): 52-55.

---. Luz y luna, las lunitas. Mexico City: Era, 1994.

---. Juchitán de las mujeres. Mexico City: Toledo, 1989.

Iverson, Hana. “Tócame, descríbeme”. Luna Córnea. 17 (ene-abr 1999): 22-25.

Ivins, William, Prints and Visual Communication (London, 1953).