Bibliography - Literature & Photography

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This page was last modified on March 24, 2010




Kahlo, Cristina. “Sogo Bo”. Luna Córnea. 20 (2000): 58-63.

Kakoudaki, Despina. “World without Strangers: The Poetics of Coincidence in Pedro Almodovar's Talk to Her”. Camera Obscura 23 (2008): 1-39. <> 

Kan, Pascal, Jean-Louis Comolli, et al. De l'Autre Côté Du Racisme . Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône): CCSTI Provence Méditerranée; Vidéo 13 production; Marseille citévision, 1991. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Kapuscinski, Ryszard. “Oficio: demoledor de estatuas”. Luna Córnea. 11 (ene-abr 1997): 110-119.

Karush, Matthew B. “The Melodramatic Nation: Integration and Polarization in the Argentine Cinema of the 1930s”. Hispanic American Historical Review 87 (2007): 293-326. <>

Katz, Jimmy, Dena Katz, and Vicki Goldberg. Salt Dreams. 1st ed. New York, NY: Powerhouse Books, 2005. WorldCat 2007.09.09.

Kaup, Monika. “Neobaroque: Latin America's Alternative Modernity”. Comparative Literature 58 (2006): 128-152. <>

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Kay, Ronald. Del espacio de acá: señales para una mirada americana. Santiago, Chile: Editores Asociados, 1990.

Kaye, Harvey J. Review, Nicaragua: June 1978—July 1979, by Susan Meiselas.Studies in Visual Communication 8.3 (1982): 90-93.

Keith Carter. Dir. Carter, Keith, John Spellos, Anne Tucker, A.D. Coleman, et al. 1 videodisc (1 hr.). Anthropy Arts, 2006. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Keller, Evelyn, Peter Fox Gay, and E. H. Gombrich. Three Cultures: Fifteen Lectures on the Confrontation of Academic Cultures. The Hague: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1989. WorldCat 2007.09.18.

Kellner, Thomas and A.D. Coleman. Ozymandias. Cardiff: FFotogallery, 2004. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Kelman, David. “The Afterlife of Storytelling: Julio Cortazar's Reading of Walter Benjamin and Edgar Allan Poe”. Comparative Literature 60 (2008): 244-260. <>

Kelsey, Robin, Archive Style, Photographs and Illustrations for us Surveys, 1850—1890 (Berkeley, CA, 2007).

Kempadoo, Roshini. “Amendments: Digital Griots as Traces of Resistance”. Small Axe 13 (2009): 181-191. <>

Kepes, Gyorgy. The Visual Arts Today. Middletown: Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 1960. WorldCat 2007.11.14.

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Kettle's Yard Gallery, and Nottingham Castle Museum. Artists' Impressions. Cambridge: Kettle's Yard, 1994. WorldCat 2007.01.23.

Kinder, Marsha. Refiguring Spain: Cinema/Media/Representation. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1997.

King, David. “El aerógrafo y el escalpelo”. Luna Córnea. 14 (ene-abr 1998): 52-57.

Kitano, Ken. “Hora pico”. Luna Córnea. 19 (2000): 28.

Kittler, Friedrich A. Grammophon, Film, Typewriter. Trans. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wutz Trans.. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1999.

Klein, Herbert, Luna, Francisco Vidal. “Sources for the Study of Brazilian Economic and Social History on the Internet”. Hispanic American Historical Review 84 (2004): 701-716. <>

Klich, Kent. El Niño: Children of the Streets. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999.

Klich, Kent, and Rafael Vargas. “En una estación del metro”. Luna Córnea. 8 (1995): 109-111.

Knaller, Susanne, Walter Benjamin, and Paul de Man. “A Theory of Allegory Beyond.” The Germanic Review 77.2 (2002): 83. ArticleFirst 2007.01.16.

Knight, Alan. “Popular Culture and the Revolutionary State in Mexico, 1910-1940.” Hispanic American Historical Review 74.3 (1994): 393-444.

---. The Mexican Revolution, vol. 2. Counter-Revolution and Reconstruction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Kokoschka, Oskar and Olda, Alfred Marnau, and E. H. Gombrich. Letters, 1905-1976. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992. WorldCat 2007.09.18.

Kossoy, “Photography in Nineteenth-Century Latin America: The European Experience and the Exotic Experience.” In Image and Memory: Photography from Latin America 1966-1994. Eds. Wendy Watriss and Lois Parkinson Zamora. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998, 19-54.

Kossoy, Boris. “Antonio Conselheiro”. Luna Córnea. 11 (ene-abr 1997): 40-45.

Koudelka, Josef, and Robert Delpire. Koudelka. New York, N.Y.: Aperture, 2006.

Koven, Seth. “Dr. Barnardo's "Artistic Fictions": Photography, Sexuality, and the Ragged Child in Victorian London”. Radical History Review 1997: 7-45. <>

Kozloff, Max. “Photojournalism and Malaise.” Catalogue essay in Photojournalism in the 80s. University Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts, October 1985, n.p.

Kracauer, Siegfried. The Mass Ornament. Trans and ed.Thomas Y. Levin. Cambridge: Harvard U P, 1995.

Kramholtz, Jonathan. “Literature and Photography: The Captioned Vision vs. the Firm, Mechanical Impression.” Centennial Review 24.4 (1980): 385-402.

Krauss, Rosalind. “Corpus Delicti.” October 33 (Summer 1985): 31-72.

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---. “The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism.” October 5 (Summer 1978): 48-69.

---. Cindy Sherman 1975-1993.  New York: Rizzoli, 1993.

---. The Originality of the Avant Garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985.

Krauze, Enrique. Biografía del poder. 8 vols. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987. Lara Klahr, Flora, and Marco Antonio Hernandez. El poder de la imagen y la imagen del poder: fotografías de prensa del porfiriato a la época actual. Chapingo: Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, 1985.

Krieger, Murray. Ekphrasis: the Illusion of the Natural Sign. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U P, 1992.

Krieger, Peter. “Resplandor y revisión del futuro”. Luna Córnea. 23 (2002): 142-149.

Kruckenhauser, S. Heritage of Beauty: Architecture and Sculpture in Austria. London: C.A. Watts, 1965. WorldCat 2007.11.14.

Kuhn, Annette. “A Journey Through Memory.” In Memory and Methodology. Ed. Susannah Radstone. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2000, 179-96.

---. Family Secrets: Acts of Memory and Imagination. London and New York: Verso, 2002. LaCapra, Dominick. History and Memory after Auschwitz. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Kuhnheim, Jill S. Spanish American Poetry at the End of the 20th Century: Textual Disruptions. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.

Kuusisto, Stephen. “El braille y las máquinas de lectura”. Luna Córnea. 17 (ene-abr 1999): 140-143.

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