ICMC 2001

News & Announcement

Subscribe: icmc2001-news@topica.com (Leave empty Subject and body) "icmc2001-news" is a very usefull announcement list, low traffic, with posting only from the organizing committee.It will keep you update on ICMC news and remind you all important deadlines.

Last modified: Thu Oct 18 16:58:19 AST 2001

We published a revision of the scientific session schedule
New correct paper session schedule

Sat Oct 13 20:25:18 AST 2001

Still after concert news
We published the keynote speech by David ziccarelli
Full version

There is also an update in the festreport. Mexico, call for music and others
I personally feel that this space, the festival report, it is important that will stay alive in the future. So when at some point this site will close down i will keep alive this page somewhere else, because i think it is important for our community.

Fri Sep 28 15:04:57 AST 2001

After Conference News:
Thanks to all of you the conference was a great success!!
We have created some new pages and new links for iformation you might need after conference, for both those who were presente and for those who could not make it to Habana.
First the complete schedules for concert and scientific sessions that were presented.
Concerts (it also include a link to the listening room schedule)
Scientific Sessions schedule

We have also create a after conference page. Here you can find extra information related to the conference. News reposrt from Cuban news papers - if you either know or you are writing reports or articles about the conference let us know, we place here the link or the all article-, pictures - if you have any you want to share please send it to us -

Mon Aug 20 18:38:47 AST 2001

Some various and VERY important NEWS
Of general interest:
The Advanced Registration deadline has been postponed till August 31 (so you have still 11 days)

A very important message from ICMA

This message is especially important for US citizens
US Pariticipation

Welcome letter to ICMC 2001 by Nicola Bernardini, artistic director of Centro Temporeale
Nicola Bernardini's welcome

On a completely different subjetc but not less important

ICMC 2000 Best Presentation award
ICMC 2000 Best Presentation Award

Donate a cable....not just cable
We added some other possible ...categories for donations such as journals, books, catalogs etc... Donate a cable...and more

Sat Aug 11 13:15:52 AST 2001

A note about 0Euros registration
The 0 Euro registration has been made, basically for spouses and players that need to travel at a different time than the officially registered person, so they are free to book separately their hotel room. Also it can be that, a part for the concert they are directly involved, the might not be interested in the Conference.
0 Euros rtegistration is not a free registration to the conference , because with this registration you wont receive neither the pass to participate to the paper session, nor the pass for free entrance to the concerts (a part for the one in which you are playing you will have to pay for any other you would like to attend), no proceedings, nor CD.
We had to clarify these ..very strict rules in order to avoid later misunderstandings.

Registration and hotel booking on line

Sun Aug 5 20:17:55 AST 2001

Registration News:
Performers and spouses - US citizens spouses please check about traveling restrictions - that are coming to Habana can book if necessary Hotel, Banquet, Workshops or bying Tshirts, simply bu filling the registration on-line and chosing the 0 Euros registration fee for Performoers and spouses. After filling this part you will be able to book your Hotel.
Registration and hotel booking on line

Tue Jul 31 15:36:15 AST 2001

We invite you to contribute to: Donate a "cable"!!! to the Laboratorio Nacional de Musica Electroacustica .PLease visit this page it very important for the LNME and Cuban composers.

A minor change but useful to those of you that want to reach me (marco trevisani)...:
In a few days my account marco@caribe.net will be closed. Please use:
marco@icmc2001.org or marco@ccrma.stanford.edu

Wed Jul 18 01:59:15 AST 2001

Check the new page for Sound & Light Systems

MTue Jul 17 01:59:15 AST 2001

The official Listening Room schedule is available on line
As well a the official Schedule For scientific Sessions is available on line

A reminder: We have entered the Advance Registration period!!!
Please take note that timestamp for these deadlines is our server in Florence, which means Italy time zone.

Mon Jul 9 17:09:15 AST 2001

The official concerts schedule is available on line

A reminder: You still have SIX days before the registration will raise to Advance Registration!!!

Sun Jun 10 17:09:15 AST 2001

Early registration important update

Early registration deadline has been postponed till July 15

Wed Mar 21 20:46:06 AST 2001

First day of Spring!

We set up a page with information about registration accomodations and other expenses:

  • REGISTRATION page. It could be usefull for requesting funds and grants from your country institutions.

    Also, very soon we will be able to accept your registration on line at the same page. We are right now tuning the page and adding some information.
    Thanks to San Cristobal we received a good package offer for the closest Hotel to the area of the conference, that are three of the best hotels in Cuba. Hotel Presidente was a very old and beautifull building recently restored and reopened last April.

  • Mon Feb 19 12:46:25 AST 2001

    Deadline for paper and music submissions is over

    There are some new entries in the site:

  • the off-icmc page for list of off-icmc events and proposals.
  • Festival Reports page.

    Also in about a week, all information about Conference Fees and Accomodation will be available in the site, and a bit later after that, registration on line will be available as well.

  • Wed Feb 7 09:24:28 AST 2001

    Now that we are back on normal routine...there is something NEW. We have added a new page: Vote for your favorite workshop.
    There are six different alternative workshops, plus three different alternative durations.
    Vote for your favorite workshop and in about one month, will decide which one to organize based on your voting suggestions. So vote, vote vote!!

    Wed Feb 7 09:06:51 AST 2001

    It looks like we are back on track!! Less than 12 hours, thanks to the friends of Tempore Reale, who got up very early in the monring and fix the problem.
    NOTE If you sent (electronically) your submission on FEBRUARY 6 it could be that will result incomplete or wrong or even lost.
    Some of them are in the archive and i will contact directly the sender, or else you should contact us at:
    info@icmc2001.org Again we are really sorry about this problem, that happened, obviously in the less appropriate moment -typical machine behaviour...:-).
    We apologize.

    Sat Jan 20 16:22:00 AST 2001

    Some pictures by Gabriele Proy, from last edition of
    Festival de Musica Electroacustica, Primavera en Habana 2000
    ..and more about Cuba, soon

    Thu Jan 4 02:24:16 AST 2001

    A Call for Music for an Off-Icmc2001 lunch concert:

  • The Door Project.
    The selection process of your submissions for this project is independent from the official selection for ICMC 2001 concerts, nevertheless you can submit, separately, your composition to both selections.
    Since it is independent from the official call for music, there isnt a specific deadline to follow for The Door Project.

  • Tue Jan 2 23:20:01 AST 2001

    Two interesting documents are added to the web site:

  • Notes from Roger Dannenberg about his recent trip to Cuba, as US citizen. He participated in March 2000 at Spring in Habana, Electronic Music Festival.
  • An article by Neil Leonard about Juan Blanco, ICMC2001 Honorary Director, LNME Director and a pioneer of electronic music.
    (thanks to Neil Leonard and CMJ - Computer Music Journal)

  • Mon Jan 1 18:15:39 AST 2001

    FINALLY....: Music Submission guidelines and Papers Submission guidelines are available. You can submit Papers on-line.
    Part of the Music Submission too is done on-line. please check:
    In general: DEADLINES
    For Paper submission: Paper Submissions
    For Music submission: Music Submissions

    More: even if our direction, www.icmc2001.org wont change, our server has now moved from Stanford (thanks to CCRMA for hosting temporarely our web page).
    We are now kindly hosted at Centro Tempo Reale in Florence, Italy. Thanks to its director Nicola Bernardini and Alessandro Morgantini, the system administrator.

    It could happen in the next two days, but it is not sure (45% possibility), that while DNS changes are updated you would be redirected to the old page, easy to recognize...does not have paper and music submission forms. to be sure, dont rush...to submit, wait for a couple of days, while studying the guidelines...Thank you

    Mon Nov 20 15:59:16 AST 2000

    IMPORTANT:Deadlines for Music and Paper Submission are changed, please check: DEADLINES

    Fri Oct 20 12:34:26 2000

    A Site Map for ICMC2001 site has been added. It also allows you to see if and when a page has being modified.

    Sat Oct 14 16:18:33 2000

    • Additional and more detailed information has been added for US participation to ICMC. (this information it is also usefull for US residents and even non US residents traveling to Cuba via US....a very rare case)
    • Contacts page has been modified. We strongly reccomend the use of the mailing lists for asking questions and getting answers. However we have now a more general info email address which refer to our freshly hired speaker of the house, Juan Reyes.

    Mon Oct 9 13:45:16 2000

    A page with ICMC 2001 official poster, logo and GIMP sources has been added: pictures & Logo.
    Soon you'll find there a tour of La Habana and the buildings where the ICMC will take place.

    Fri Oct 6 10:59:41 2000

    A Contacts page has been added. You will find there mailing lists and other important addresses.

    Fri Sep 29 00:33:44 2000

    A general information page has been added

    Thu Sep 21 01:24:56 2000

    the site www.icmc2001.org is alive. For now it will provide just a little of information but essential:

    1. Deadlines (which includes papers and music submissions rules, topics)
    2. Weather in Habana with weather conditions in Habana....and which weather you should expect in September in Cuba.