BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson Volleyball unit 

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.  Depending on the response of students this progression could and should be adapted.
Links on block plan go to task/game explanation including teaching points, organization, questions to ask and diagrams.


Lesson 1 Tactical Problem
Setting up to Attack- Positioning

Lesson focus: Base Position and forearm pass 
Skill objective: accurate forearm pass to the setting 

Introductory task/game

          1.  The "Line" Game 
          2.  Pass Over the Space Game

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1.  3 vs. 3 Passing Game
2.  Groups of 3 Passing to Setter

Culminating Game:   3 vs. 3

  • 1/2 court long
  • 3 hits but no attack
  • normal scoring
  • extra point for good pass to setter 
  • rotate normally
  Lesson 2 Tactical Problem
 Setting up to Attack- Over Space

Lesson focus: Overhead volley 
Skill objective: accurate volley to a target (setter or 

Introductory task/game

           1.  Volley Over Space Game
           2.  3 vs. 3 Game

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
           1.  Groups of 3, Rainbow Sets
           2.  Groups of 3, Adding Passer

Culminating Game:  3 vs. 3 

  • 1/2 court long
  • 3 hits but no attack
  • normal scoring
  • extra point for good pass to setter who has opened to passer
  • extra point for a good rainbow set
  • rotate normally
Lesson 3 Tactical Problem
Setting up to Attack- Pursuit

Lesson focus: Transition to attack
Skill objective: Successful transition by passer to hitter

Introductory task/game

1. 3 vs. 3

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1. Teammate passes, you move

2. Pass and move

Culminating Game: 3 vs. 3

  • 1/2 court long
  • 3 hits with an attack
  • score points normally
  • extra point for pass, set, hit combo 
  • rotate normally
Lesson 4Tactical Problem
 Setting up to Attack- Transition

Lesson focus: Transition to attack
Skill objective: Successful transition by the hitter to attack

Introductory task/game

 1. 3 vs. 3

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
1.  Freeball tosses to the hitter

2.  Freeball tosses to the hitter and set to attack

Culminating Game:  3 vs. 3

  • 1/2 court long
  • 3 hits with an attack
  • score points normally
  • extra point for successful pass and hit combination by the hitter
  • rotate normally
(Griffin et. al. 1997)