Section 4.2 Green's Theorem (Circulation Form)
Green's Theorem relates the Circulation around a closed path (a global property) to the Circulation Density (a local property) that we talked about in the previous video. Effectively Green's Theorem says that if you add up all the circulation densities you get the total circulation, which sounds "obvious" based on my word choice, but is truly quite remarkable that these local and global properties which seem completely different can relate so nicely. Green's Theorem has two parts and we will see it in its Divergence form in the third video.
Learning Objectives:
State Green's Theorem in its Circulation Form
Geometricaly Interpret Green's Theorem in its Circulation Form
Post-Video Activities Post-Video Activities
What is similar between this theorem and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus II from back in single variable calculus? What is different?